While I was also listening to NY&LA

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date String 2018-06-04 16:11:55
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title String While I was also listening to NY&LA
While I was also listening to NY&LA
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projet_date Array Single String from 19 to 31 March 2018
projet_lieu Array Single String Getty Research Institute and Human Ressources, Los Angeles; Artists Space and Emily Harvey Foundation, New York
projet_type Array Single String Residencies and performances evenings
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projet_texte Array Single String <div class="chapo"> <p class="chapeau"><em>While I was also listening to NY&amp;LA</em> is a performative extension of the yearlong series of exhibitions and events <em>Alors que j’écoutais moi aussi […]</em> (<em>While I was also listening […]) </em>developed at La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes, France, in 2017. This program was conceived and organized by Sophie Kaplan, director of the art centre, in close collaboration with three associated artists: Feelicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, and Yann Serandour. The American poet and performer David Antin is the figurehead of this ambitious and polyphonic program.</p> <em>While I was also listening to NY&amp;LA</em> takes place in Los Angeles at Human Resources on 22 March and in New York at Artists Space on 27 March and at the Emily Harvey Foundation on 30 and 31 March. The different components of this project are linked by a common thematic and conceptual concern, that of narrative. What is a narrative in art (i.e. as exemplified by the two extremes of a personal story and a general art history)? How is narrative used as a medium and form in the arts? How does narrative in turn generate different forms of interdisciplinarity and intermediality? In Los Angeles, the french team will go trough the David Antin's archives at the Getty Research Institute. The Antin' archives will be the starting point for a publication, to be coedited by La Criée and the publishing house Shelter Press, that will be the final chapter of the cycle <em>While I was also listining [...]</em>. On 22 March, the first event takes place at Human Resources L.A., featuring Krysten Cunningham, LeRoy Stevens, David Horvitz, Jennie Liu and her performers, Feelicia Atkinson and Julien Bismuth, Yann Sérandour and Lucky Dragons. On 25 March, the second event takes place at Artists Space, N.Y., featuring Julien Bismuth, Charles Bernstein, Jay Sanders, Tan Lin, and Ellen Zweig. On 30 March, the third event takes place at the Emily Harvey Foundation, featuring Morgan Bassichis, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, Sara Magenheimer, Feelicia Atkinson and Yann Sérandour and is followed on 31 March by workshops led by Svetlana Kitto, Julien Bismuth and Lucy Ives. The Paris based Italian curator Alessandra Prandin has been invited by La Criée to coordinate and curate this American chapter with local partners Luke Fischbeck from Human Resources in Los Angeles and Rachel Valinsky (Wendy’s Subway) in New York. The event at Artists Space is curated by artist Julien Bismuth, poet Charles Bernstein and curator Jay Sanders. </div>

While I was also listening to NY&LA is a performative extension of the yearlong series of exhibitions and events Alors que j’écoutais moi aussi […] (While I was also listening […]) developed at La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes, France, in 2017. This program was conceived and organized by Sophie Kaplan, director of the art centre, in close collaboration with three associated artists: Feelicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, and Yann Serandour. The American poet and performer David Antin is the figurehead of this ambitious and polyphonic program.

While I was also listening to NY&LA takes place in Los Angeles at Human Resources on 22 March and in New York at Artists Space on 27 March and at the Emily Harvey Foundation on 30 and 31 March. The different components of this project are linked by a common thematic and conceptual concern, that of narrative. What is a narrative in art (i.e. as exemplified by the two extremes of a personal story and a general art history)? How is narrative used as a medium and form in the arts? How does narrative in turn generate different forms of interdisciplinarity and intermediality? In Los Angeles, the french team will go trough the David Antin's archives at the Getty Research Institute. The Antin' archives will be the starting point for a publication, to be coedited by La Criée and the publishing house Shelter Press, that will be the final chapter of the cycle While I was also listining [...]. On 22 March, the first event takes place at Human Resources L.A., featuring Krysten Cunningham, LeRoy Stevens, David Horvitz, Jennie Liu and her performers, Feelicia Atkinson and Julien Bismuth, Yann Sérandour and Lucky Dragons. On 25 March, the second event takes place at Artists Space, N.Y., featuring Julien Bismuth, Charles Bernstein, Jay Sanders, Tan Lin, and Ellen Zweig. On 30 March, the third event takes place at the Emily Harvey Foundation, featuring Morgan Bassichis, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, Sara Magenheimer, Feelicia Atkinson and Yann Sérandour and is followed on 31 March by workshops led by Svetlana Kitto, Julien Bismuth and Lucy Ives. The Paris based Italian curator Alessandra Prandin has been invited by La Criée to coordinate and curate this American chapter with local partners Luke Fischbeck from Human Resources in Los Angeles and Rachel Valinsky (Wendy’s Subway) in New York. The event at Artists Space is curated by artist Julien Bismuth, poet Charles Bernstein and curator Jay Sanders.
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projet_artiste Array Single String Felicia Atkinson, Eleanor Antin, Charles Bernstein, Julien Bismuth, Morgan Bassichis, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, Sara Magenheimer, Jennie Liu, David Horvitz, Lucky Dragons, LeRoy Stevens, Julien Bismuth, Krysten Cunningham, Yann Sérandour, Ellen Zweig, Lucy Ives, Svetlana Kitto, Bartolomé Sanson, Sophie Kaplan
projet_galerie Array Single String a:9:{i:0;s:5:"18624";i:1;s:5:"18620";i:2;s:5:"18650";i:3;s:5:"18651";i:4;s:5:"18652";i:5;s:5:"18653";i:6;s:5:"18654";i:7;s:5:"18655";i:8;s:5:"18656";}
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  • institut Français
  • ville de Rennes
  • Rennes métropole
  • ambassade de France
  • ministère de la Culture – Drac Bretagne
  • services culturels de l'ambassade de France à Los Angeles
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blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">Human Ressources, Los Angeles</h3> 22 March 2018, 8 pm <em>While I was also listening to Krysten, LeRoy, Julien, Jennie, Félicia, David, Yann, Luke, Sarah, etc.</em> La Criée, in partnership with Human Resources LA, invites seven artists to expand the notion of narrative and improvisation. Performing narrative, deconstructing storytelling; this session of <em>While I was also listening […] </em>challenges the traditional approach to narration, opening up the horizon of what narrative is or how a story can be told. A choreographed narration responding to a set of live instructions. A translation of a language and sounds we cannot really write about – but only experience. A series of “automated” books speaking in tongues. A dialogue unfolding with or without words An thread that is an allegory of narration, linking bodies and stories together. An unexpected and silent presence, reminding us that every story in order to exist, need to be listened to. The duration of each performance varies between 5 and 30 minutes.

Human Ressources, Los Angeles

22 March 2018, 8 pm While I was also listening to Krysten, LeRoy, Julien, Jennie, Félicia, David, Yann, Luke, Sarah, etc. La Criée, in partnership with Human Resources LA, invites seven artists to expand the notion of narrative and improvisation. Performing narrative, deconstructing storytelling; this session of While I was also listening […] challenges the traditional approach to narration, opening up the horizon of what narrative is or how a story can be told. A choreographed narration responding to a set of live instructions. A translation of a language and sounds we cannot really write about – but only experience. A series of “automated” books speaking in tongues. A dialogue unfolding with or without words An thread that is an allegory of narration, linking bodies and stories together. An unexpected and silent presence, reminding us that every story in order to exist, need to be listened to. The duration of each performance varies between 5 and 30 minutes.
blocs_satellites_2_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <div id="header"> <div id="logo"> <h3 class="titre-bloc">Emily Harvey Foundation, New York</h3> 30 March 2018, 6.30 pm In New York, we replicate the structure of the performative evening organized in Los Angeles at Human Resources, with new guests, authors and artists. </div> </div> <div><em>While I was also listening to N&amp;Y </em>presents performances by Morgan Bassichis, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, and Sara Magenheimer that tackle the genre of the “talk” and the medium of “talking”as occasions for investigations in narrativity and storytelling, the relationship between sound and language, and improvisatory modalities of speech.</div> <div>The evening features a musical and poetic outro by Falicia Atkinson and a silent performance by Yann Sérandour.</div> <div></div> <div>The performance program is followed by an afternoon of three workshops, led by Julien Bismuth, Lucy Ives, and Svetlana Kitto on 31 March.</div>
While I was also listening to N&Y presents performances by Morgan Bassichis, Constance DeJong, Wayne Koestenbaum, and Sara Magenheimer that tackle the genre of the “talk” and the medium of “talking”as occasions for investigations in narrativity and storytelling, the relationship between sound and language, and improvisatory modalities of speech.
The evening features a musical and poetic outro by Falicia Atkinson and a silent performance by Yann Sérandour.
The performance program is followed by an afternoon of three workshops, led by Julien Bismuth, Lucy Ives, and Svetlana Kitto on 31 March.
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