Ma Cité idéale, entre lumière et mouvements

id Integer 3469
date String 2017-05-16 16:09:30
slug String artist-residency-in-school
title String Ma Cité idéale, entre lumière et mouvements
content String
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_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 12
_edit_lock Array Single String 1528816362:12
date_debut Array Single String 20130207
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from February to July 2013
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Residency
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
_projet_lieu Array Single String field_58d23e0f8ad42
_projet_type Array Single String field_58f9bfecae521
projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau"><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="De février à juin 2013, La Criée accompagne l’artiste Lucas Grandin en résidence de création et d’expérimentations à l’école Jean Moulin.">From February to June 2013, the artist Lucas Grandin is in residency of creation and experimentation at Jean Moulin primary school. </span><span title="Artiste plasticien, créateur de jardins sonores en Afrique, le travail de Lucas Grandin mêle avec humour et poésie, le bricolage, le son, la vidéo, l’architecture et l’urbanisme. ">Visual artist, creator of sound gardens in Africa, the work of Lucas Grandin mixes with humor and poetry, DIY, sound, video, architecture and urbanism.</span></span></p> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="Durant 4 mois, Lucas Grandin développe avec les élèves de l’école maternelles Jean Moulin (Rennes, Villejean) un projet de construction et de projection sur le thème de &quot;la cité idéale&quot;.">During 4 months, Lucas Grandin develops with the students of the nursery school Jean Moulin (Rennes, Villejean) a project of construction and projection on the theme of "the ideal city". </span><span title="Il s'agit de questionner la frontière entre rêve et réalité, espace concret et espace projeté, en créant un théâtre d'ombres et de lumière à partir de matériaux collectés, de sons mixés… Dans l'espace de l'atelier à l'">It is questioning the border between dream and reality, concrete space and projected space, by creating a theater of shadows and light from collected materials, mixed sounds ... In the space of the workshop to the </span><span title="école, les élèves contribuent à la réalisation d'une installation mêlant la lumière, des objets de récupération, le low tech, le cartonnage, des ombres chinoises, des vidéos et machines sonores. ">school, students contribute to the realization of an installation mixing light, objects of recovery, low tech, cartonnage, shadows, videos and sound machines.</span></span> <span title="La résidence comprend plusieurs temps d’ateliers : des temps de présentation vidéo des œuvres de Lucas Grandin réalisées à Rotterdam, Douala, Rennes, Sao Tomé ;">The residency includes several workshop times: video presentation times of Lucas Grandin's works made in Rotterdam, Douala, Rennes, Sao Tome; </span><span title="des &quot;ateliers- découvertes&quot; des projets d’urbanisme et de leur diversité en Afrique et en Europe ;">"discovery workshops" of urban planning projects and their diversity in Africa and Europe; </span><span title="l’intervention de professionnels et acteurs de l’urbanisme dans les classes ;">the intervention of professionals and urban planners in the classrooms; </span><span title="des ateliers vidéos, de dessins et de réalisation des installations ;">video workshops, drawings and installations; </span><span title="une présentation publique des créations et la diffusion... ">a public presentation of the creations and the diffusion ...</span> <span title="La résidence s'inscrit en lien avec d'autres projets menés par Lucas Grandin, à Nantes (en collaboration avec l'artiste et urbaniste Kamiel Verschuren de Rotterdam, la Fondation NAC, le collectif R_ et la galerie Paradise) et à Douala au Cameroun">The residency is linked to other projects led by Lucas Grandin, in Nantes (in collaboration with the artist and urban planner Kamiel Verschuren of Rotterdam, the NAC Foundation, the R_ collective and the Paradise gallery) and Douala in Cameroon </span><span title="dans le cadre de la Triennale d'art urbain &quot;SUD 2013&quot;.">as part of the "SOUTH 2013" Urban Art Triennial. </span><span title="A cette occasion, les élèves de l’école Jean Moulin ont engagé une correspondance avec l’école de New Bell à Douala et sont allés en voyage à Nantes le 14 juin.">For this occasion, the students of Jean Moulin school engaged a correspondence with the New Bell school in Douala and went on a trip to Nantes on June 14th.</span>

From February to June 2013, the artist Lucas Grandin is in residency of creation and experimentation at Jean Moulin primary school. Visual artist, creator of sound gardens in Africa, the work of Lucas Grandin mixes with humor and poetry, DIY, sound, video, architecture and urbanism.

During 4 months, Lucas Grandin develops with the students of the nursery school Jean Moulin (Rennes, Villejean) a project of construction and projection on the theme of "the ideal city". It is questioning the border between dream and reality, concrete space and projected space, by creating a theater of shadows and light from collected materials, mixed sounds ... In the space of the workshop to the school, students contribute to the realization of an installation mixing light, objects of recovery, low tech, cartonnage, shadows, videos and sound machines. The residency includes several workshop times: video presentation times of Lucas Grandin's works made in Rotterdam, Douala, Rennes, Sao Tome; "discovery workshops" of urban planning projects and their diversity in Africa and Europe; the intervention of professionals and urban planners in the classrooms; video workshops, drawings and installations; a public presentation of the creations and the diffusion ... The residency is linked to other projects led by Lucas Grandin, in Nantes (in collaboration with the artist and urban planner Kamiel Verschuren of Rotterdam, the NAC Foundation, the R_ collective and the Paradise gallery) and Douala in Cameroon as part of the "SOUTH 2013" Urban Art Triennial. For this occasion, the students of Jean Moulin school engaged a correspondence with the New Bell school in Douala and went on a trip to Nantes on June 14th.
projet_thumb Array Single String
projet_video Array Single String
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_projet_video Array Single String field_592419509a6ee
projet_artiste Array Single String Lucas Grandin
projet_galerie Array Single String a:12:{i:0;s:4:"3459";i:1;s:4:"3460";i:2;s:4:"3461";i:3;s:4:"3462";i:4;s:4:"3463";i:5;s:4:"3464";i:6;s:4:"3465";i:7;s:4:"3456";i:8;s:4:"3455";i:9;s:4:"3457";i:10;s:4:"3458";i:11;s:4:"3454";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><strong>partnerships</strong></h3> <ul> <li>école Jean Moulin, Rennes</li> <li>école New Bell, Douala, Cameroun</li> <li>centre social de Villejean, Rennes</li> <li>maison de quartier de Villejean, Rennes</li> <li>DSDEN 35 / Académie de Rennes</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc"><strong>supports</strong></h3> <ul> <li>ministère de la Culture / Drac Bretagne</li> <li>ville de Rennes / DEE</li> <li>Politique de la Ville</li> </ul>


  • école Jean Moulin, Rennes
  • école New Bell, Douala, Cameroun
  • centre social de Villejean, Rennes
  • maison de quartier de Villejean, Rennes
  • DSDEN 35 / Académie de Rennes


  • ministère de la Culture / Drac Bretagne
  • ville de Rennes / DEE
  • Politique de la Ville
projet_infos_2 Array Single String <div id="gt-res-c" class="g-unit"> <div id="gt-res-p"> <div id="gt-res-data"> <div id="gt-res-wrap"> <div id="gt-res-content"> <div id="gt-res-dir-ctr" class="trans-verified-button-small" dir="ltr"> <h3 class="titre-bloc"><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en">The "Ma Cité idéale" project is the winner of the 2013 Cultural and Diversity Foundation Artistic and Cultural Audacity Award.</span></h3> <span class="">With the support of the Foundation, the "Ma Cité idéal" project continues in 2014, as part of the residencies <em>Courir les rues de Villejean</em>.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

The "Ma Cité idéale" project is the winner of the 2013 Cultural and Diversity Foundation Artistic and Cultural Audacity Award.

With the support of the Foundation, the "Ma Cité idéal" project continues in 2014, as part of the residencies Courir les rues de Villejean.
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projet_soustitre Array Single String
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