C'est pas grave

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projet_date Array Single String from 23 June to 26 August 2018
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">La Criée centre for contemporary art is welcoming Vincent Gicquel for his first solo exhibition in an art centre. To mark the occasion the artist will be premiering a new series of large watercolours. <em>C’est pas grave</em> (No big deal) is produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in parallel with the Pinault Collection in Rennes exhibition <em>Debout !</em> (Stand Up!) featuring new paintings by Vincent Gicquel.</p> Vincent Gicquel is fond of saying paint flows in his veins, but drawing has a visceral hold on him as well. For this tireless worker drawing, most often in the form of watercolour, can serve as a preliminary study, a quick release for the setbacks and impasses painting sometimes leads him to, a moment of inspiration urgently thrown down on paper, or a long-simmering problem abruptly clobbered. In his series of large watercolours for La Criée, Gicquel reprises and elaborates on his favourite subjects – his painterly and humanistic concerns: the place of the decorative motif in painting; the place of the figure in composition; and the place – tragicomic, miserable and risible but also and thereby exhilarating – of human beings in society and the world: <em>Ecce Homo</em>. Paralleling his painting and taking it further, Gicquel's watercolours convey, in its starkest, most concentrated form, all the urgency of the commitment to life and art of this hypersensitive yet amused observer of the human comedy.

La Criée centre for contemporary art is welcoming Vincent Gicquel for his first solo exhibition in an art centre. To mark the occasion the artist will be premiering a new series of large watercolours. C’est pas grave (No big deal) is produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in parallel with the Pinault Collection in Rennes exhibition Debout ! (Stand Up!) featuring new paintings by Vincent Gicquel.

Vincent Gicquel is fond of saying paint flows in his veins, but drawing has a visceral hold on him as well. For this tireless worker drawing, most often in the form of watercolour, can serve as a preliminary study, a quick release for the setbacks and impasses painting sometimes leads him to, a moment of inspiration urgently thrown down on paper, or a long-simmering problem abruptly clobbered. In his series of large watercolours for La Criée, Gicquel reprises and elaborates on his favourite subjects – his painterly and humanistic concerns: the place of the decorative motif in painting; the place of the figure in composition; and the place – tragicomic, miserable and risible but also and thereby exhilarating – of human beings in society and the world: Ecce Homo. Paralleling his painting and taking it further, Gicquel's watercolours convey, in its starkest, most concentrated form, all the urgency of the commitment to life and art of this hypersensitive yet amused observer of the human comedy.
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projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">curator</h3> Sophie Kaplan, director of La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes <h3 class="titre-bloc">production</h3> La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes


Sophie Kaplan, director of La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes


La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes
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blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><em>Meeting</em></h3> <h3 class="titre-bloc">Vincent Gicquel</h3> Saturday 23 June 2018, 3 pm


Vincent Gicquel

Saturday 23 June 2018, 3 pm
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