Just a Walk

id Integer 3164
date String 2017-05-16 10:29:23
slug String just-a-walk-4
title String Just a Walk
content String
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date_fin Array Single String 20070325
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 11
_edit_lock Array Single String 1527759644:11
date_debut Array Single String 20050316
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from March 2005 to March 2007
projet_lieu Array Single String France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland
projet_type Array Single String Residency
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
_projet_lieu Array Single String field_58d23e0f8ad42
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">For the 2005-2006 cycle, La Criée has invited Jocelyn Cottencin to create an artistic project on the idea of the circulation between and stays in the cities of San Sebastian and Bilbao in Spain, Lisbon and Porto in Portugal and Glasgow in the United Kingdom.</p> Jocelyn Cottencin’s artistic project starts from the simple idea of being open to elsewhere. To walk at random is to experience unknown paths and as opposed to linear itineries it may lead to more unexpected and rich encounters. It also implies the readiness to leave the habits of movement behind, the rituals of work which can sometimes enclose spaces into too rigid borders. As a metaphor of circulation and exchange, Just a Walk raises the essential questions of territory, as much in its reality as in the images it generates : How to cross a territory ? Is a territory made of normative identities or is it a product of the imagination within a flow of fluctuant and contradictory desires ? Could a territory not originate from a movable and extensible length according to various different configurations ? How to think of territory with the onset of globalisation ? Has territory anything to see with margin and center ? Can I experience territory through the vital space which I am allowed, by myself or by others, to live in ? Is territory a matter of negotiation from a collectivity to share ? And if territory were finally only a belief matter, a necessary utopia ? The desire to circulate generated by the project Just a Walk does not imply a desire to meet the other in order to define an ideal or uniform territory. Just a Walk is a project where friction, difference and contradiction all have a place. To provoke meetings and openings is a true personal and political commitment towards and with the other. It is to take the risk of tension and rupture but also that of construction and the possible. Just a Walk is an artistic project which will put into focus the notion of territory itself, from the conception of the project through its various research declinations right through to its public showing. Jocelyn Cottencin will, in fact, offer : specific work modalities : research and meetings with contemporary art professionals and artists ; research and production residences abroad ; research workshops with other artists and theoreticians in Rennes… art projects : some are already in place, others need to be developed according to the progress of Just a Walk. These artistic proposals include both individual productions of the artist (Short stories in Europe, Masse…) as well as an appeal to other artists to produce and create new works. A time for public visibility with an exhibition and a choreographic event in Rennes.

For the 2005-2006 cycle, La Criée has invited Jocelyn Cottencin to create an artistic project on the idea of the circulation between and stays in the cities of San Sebastian and Bilbao in Spain, Lisbon and Porto in Portugal and Glasgow in the United Kingdom.

Jocelyn Cottencin’s artistic project starts from the simple idea of being open to elsewhere. To walk at random is to experience unknown paths and as opposed to linear itineries it may lead to more unexpected and rich encounters. It also implies the readiness to leave the habits of movement behind, the rituals of work which can sometimes enclose spaces into too rigid borders. As a metaphor of circulation and exchange, Just a Walk raises the essential questions of territory, as much in its reality as in the images it generates : How to cross a territory ? Is a territory made of normative identities or is it a product of the imagination within a flow of fluctuant and contradictory desires ? Could a territory not originate from a movable and extensible length according to various different configurations ? How to think of territory with the onset of globalisation ? Has territory anything to see with margin and center ? Can I experience territory through the vital space which I am allowed, by myself or by others, to live in ? Is territory a matter of negotiation from a collectivity to share ? And if territory were finally only a belief matter, a necessary utopia ? The desire to circulate generated by the project Just a Walk does not imply a desire to meet the other in order to define an ideal or uniform territory. Just a Walk is a project where friction, difference and contradiction all have a place. To provoke meetings and openings is a true personal and political commitment towards and with the other. It is to take the risk of tension and rupture but also that of construction and the possible. Just a Walk is an artistic project which will put into focus the notion of territory itself, from the conception of the project through its various research declinations right through to its public showing. Jocelyn Cottencin will, in fact, offer : specific work modalities : research and meetings with contemporary art professionals and artists ; research and production residences abroad ; research workshops with other artists and theoreticians in Rennes… art projects : some are already in place, others need to be developed according to the progress of Just a Walk. These artistic proposals include both individual productions of the artist (Short stories in Europe, Masse…) as well as an appeal to other artists to produce and create new works. A time for public visibility with an exhibition and a choreographic event in Rennes.
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projet_artiste Array Single String Jocelyn Cottencin
projet_galerie Array Single String a:33:{i:0;s:4:"3130";i:1;s:4:"3131";i:2;s:4:"3132";i:3;s:4:"3133";i:4;s:4:"3134";i:5;s:4:"3135";i:6;s:4:"3136";i:7;s:4:"3137";i:8;s:4:"3138";i:9;s:4:"3139";i:10;s:4:"3140";i:11;s:4:"3141";i:12;s:4:"3142";i:13;s:4:"3143";i:14;s:4:"3144";i:15;s:4:"3145";i:16;s:4:"3146";i:17;s:4:"3147";i:18;s:4:"3148";i:19;s:4:"3149";i:20;s:4:"3150";i:21;s:4:"3151";i:22;s:4:"3152";i:23;s:4:"3153";i:24;s:4:"3154";i:25;s:4:"3155";i:26;s:4:"3156";i:27;s:4:"3157";i:28;s:4:"3158";i:29;s:4:"3159";i:30;s:4:"3160";i:31;s:4:"3161";i:32;s:4:"3162";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">production</h3> <ul> <li>La Criée center of contemporary art, Rennes</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">partnerships</h3> <ul> <li>Tramway, Glasgow</li> <li>CCNRB, Rennes</li> <li>Frac Bretagne, Rennes</li> <li>RE.AL Lisbonne</li> <li>La Criée center of contemporary art, Rennes</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">support</h3> CULTUREFRANCE with in the cooperation contract withcity of Rennes


  • La Criée center of contemporary art, Rennes


  • Tramway, Glasgow
  • CCNRB, Rennes
  • Frac Bretagne, Rennes
  • RE.AL Lisbonne
  • La Criée center of contemporary art, Rennes


CULTUREFRANCE with in the cooperation contract withcity of Rennes
projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">collaborations</h3> <ul> <li>FRAC des Pays-de-la-Loire, Carquefou</li> <li>Sala Rekalde, Bilbao</li> <li>Fondation Serralves, Porto</li> <li>collectif RE:AL, Lisbon</li> </ul> Artists and art critics invited by Jocelyn Cottencin : <ul> <li>Roderick Buchanan (artiste, Glasgow)</li> <li>Carla Cruz (artiste, Porto)</li> <li>Claudia Diaz (artiste, Lisbon)</li> <li>Marcel Dinahet (artiste, Rennes)</li> <li>Tiago Guedes (artiste, Lisbon)</li> <li>Jean-Marc Huitorel (critique d’art, Rennes)</li> <li>Alain Michard (artiste, Rennes)</li> <li>Loïc Touzé (artiste, Rennes)</li> <li>Sébastien Vonier (artiste, Rennes)</li> </ul>


  • FRAC des Pays-de-la-Loire, Carquefou
  • Sala Rekalde, Bilbao
  • Fondation Serralves, Porto
  • collectif RE:AL, Lisbon
Artists and art critics invited by Jocelyn Cottencin :
  • Roderick Buchanan (artiste, Glasgow)
  • Carla Cruz (artiste, Porto)
  • Claudia Diaz (artiste, Lisbon)
  • Marcel Dinahet (artiste, Rennes)
  • Tiago Guedes (artiste, Lisbon)
  • Jean-Marc Huitorel (critique d’art, Rennes)
  • Alain Michard (artiste, Rennes)
  • Loïc Touzé (artiste, Rennes)
  • Sébastien Vonier (artiste, Rennes)
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