
id Integer 8307
date String 2017-05-16 15:49:27
slug String centre-hospitalier-guillaume-regnier-3
title String Migrations
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
date_fin Array Single String 20101219
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 12
_edit_lock Array Single String 1528794703:12
date_debut Array Single String 20100923
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from September to December 2010
projet_lieu Array Single String hospital centre Guillaume Régnier, Rennes
projet_type Array Single String Workshop
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
_projet_lieu Array Single String field_58d23e0f8ad42
_projet_type Array Single String field_58f9bfecae521
projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau"><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="A l'occasion de l'exposition hors-les-murs En Transit de Cyrille André, produite par La Criée au musée des beaux-arts de Rennes et dans les jardins du Palais St Georges, le centre d'art a initié un projet de">On the occasion of Cyrille André's off-the-wall exhibition <em>In Transit</em>, produced by La Criée at the Rennes Museum of Fine Arts and in the gardens of Palais St Georges, the art center initiated a project of </span><span title="rencontres, d'ateliers et d'exposition au centre hospitalier Guillaume Régnier. ">meetings, workshops and exhibitions at the hospital centre Guillaume Régnier.</span></span></p> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="Ce projet, développé au profit des personnes en soin de l'unité G04 de Rennes, s'est déroulé en plusieurs temps :     ">This project, developed for the benefit of the people caring for unit G04 in Rennes, took place in several stages : </span></span><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="une rencontre avec l'artiste Cyrille André et la présentation de sa démarche et son projet d'exposition     ">a meeting with the artist Cyrille André and the presentation of his approach and exhibition project; </span><span title="des temps d'atelier autour de la pratique de la sculpture     ">workshop time around the practice of sculpture</span></span><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en">; <span title="l'exposition de l’œuvre Migrations dans les jardins de l'unité de soin G04 à Rennes     ">the exhibition of the work Migrations in the gardens of the G04 care unit in Rennes; e</span></span><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="des visites d'expositions : En Transit de Cyrille André au musée des beaux-arts et au Palais St Georges et tout au long de la saison artistique 2010/2011 à La Criée. ">xhibition guided tours : of Cyrille André's <em>En Transit</em> at the Musée des Beaux-Arts and Palais St Georges and throughout the 2010/2011 artistic season at La Criée.</span></span> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="Ce projet vise à éveiller la sensibilité des patients autour de la création contemporaine ;">This project aims to awaken the sensitivity of patients around contemporary creation; </span><span title="à privilégier l’ouverture et l’épanouissement, en permettant à chacun de prendre une part active à ces différents temps d’échanges et de réalisation.">to favor openness and fulfillment, by allowing everyone to take an active part in these different times of exchange and realization.</span></span>

On the occasion of Cyrille André's off-the-wall exhibition In Transit, produced by La Criée at the Rennes Museum of Fine Arts and in the gardens of Palais St Georges, the art center initiated a project of meetings, workshops and exhibitions at the hospital centre Guillaume Régnier.

This project, developed for the benefit of the people caring for unit G04 in Rennes, took place in several stages : a meeting with the artist Cyrille André and the presentation of his approach and exhibition project; workshop time around the practice of sculpture; the exhibition of the work Migrations in the gardens of the G04 care unit in Rennes; exhibition guided tours : of Cyrille André's En Transit at the Musée des Beaux-Arts and Palais St Georges and throughout the 2010/2011 artistic season at La Criée. This project aims to awaken the sensitivity of patients around contemporary creation; to favor openness and fulfillment, by allowing everyone to take an active part in these different times of exchange and realization.
projet_thumb Array Single String
projet_video Array Single String
_projet_texte Array Single String field_58d23b981bb81
_projet_thumb Array Single String field_58d23c88ffc3b
_projet_video Array Single String field_592419509a6ee
projet_artiste Array Single String Cyrille André
projet_galerie Array Single String a:6:{i:0;s:4:"3399";i:1;s:4:"3397";i:2;s:4:"3398";i:3;s:4:"3400";i:4;s:4:"3401";i:5;s:4:"3402";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">partnerships</h3> <ul> <li>hospital centre Guillaume Régnier, Rennes and Fougères</li> <li>association L'Hermine</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">supports</h3> <ul> <li>ministère de la Culture / Drac Bretagne</li> <li>ministère de la Santé / ARS</li> </ul>


  • hospital centre Guillaume Régnier, Rennes and Fougères
  • association L'Hermine


  • ministère de la Culture / Drac Bretagne
  • ministère de la Santé / ARS
projet_infos_2 Array Single String
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_projet_galerie Array Single String field_58d23bb36f3b6
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_projet_infos_2 Array Single String field_58d23c2b70912
projet_horaires Array Single String
projet_surtitre Array Single String
visible_accueil Array Single String 0
_projet_horaires Array Single String field_58d2e44d45100
_projet_surtitre Array Single String field_58d23b037e769
_visible_accueil Array Single String field_5919f0d898dff
blocs_satellites Array Single String a:3:{i:0;s:20:"bloc_artiste_minibio";i:1;s:12:"bloc_artiste";i:2;s:11:"bloc_projet";}
projet_soustitre Array Single String
_blocs_satellites Array Single String field_58f780ca0cc4d
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projet_soundcloud Array Single String
_projet_soundcloud Array Single String field_5900c5a53cd2b
coupure_paragraphe Array Single String 0
_coupure_paragraphe Array Single String field_59f8365397245
projet_date_precisions Array Single String
_projet_date_precisions Array Single String field_58d23b7a4e1ba
_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 114
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 84
blocs_satellites_2_objet_projet Array Single String 2928
_blocs_satellites_2_objet_projet Array Single String field_58f781db0cc51
blocs_satellites_0_objet_artiste Array Single String 1182
blocs_satellites_1_objet_artiste Array Single String 1172
_blocs_satellites_0_objet_artiste Array Single String field_591abbf7ececf
_blocs_satellites_1_objet_artiste Array Single String field_58f783c9416bf
count Integer 50
data Array
count Integer 0
data Array
name String projects
slug String territories-in-the-making-projects
count Integer 62
filter String raw
parent Integer 84
term_id Integer 188
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 188
name String territories in the making
slug String territories-in-the-making
count Integer 83
filter String raw
parent Integer 0
term_id Integer 84
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 84
count Integer 2