Francis Raynaud

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date String 2018-06-15 13:26:33
slug String francis-raynaud-2
title String Francis Raynaud
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artiste_minibio Array Single String born in 1984 in Clermont-Ferrand, France lives and works in Rennes, France
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artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Featured in our previous exhibition, <em>Sculpting (studio strategies)</em>, Francis Raynaud’s <em>Objets de prestidigitation</em> (<em>Sleight of Hand had been</em>) "on ice" until then.</p> It is activated by performers and magicians. Magic tricks are at once a kind of bricolage and sculpture and this performance creates an interconnection between art, "bricology" and sleight of hand.

Featured in our previous exhibition, Sculpting (studio strategies), Francis Raynaud’s Objets de prestidigitation (Sleight of Hand had been) "on ice" until then.

It is activated by performers and magicians. Magic tricks are at once a kind of bricolage and sculpture and this performance creates an interconnection between art, "bricology" and sleight of hand.
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