Ariane Michel

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artiste_associe_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Every year La Criée associates an artist with its projects. Working together this way means a sharper focus on art and generates a new kind of long-term partnership with the artists, a close link with the creative process.</p> Since her graduation from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris and a spell at Le Pavillon – the research unit at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris – Ariane Michel has been working on projects in which cinematic narrative techniques play a large part: videos, installations, films and performances. They include <em>The Screening</em>, an audience-involvement nocturnal projection in a woodland clearing; <em>Les Hommes</em>, her feature-length film released in France in 2008; and the cinemascope-format fish tank of <em>Les Lutétiens</em>, an encounter between living beings and a fossilised setting. All these works use immersion, projection and editing techniques to offer the viewer a singular space-time experience. Her works have been acquired by the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Centre Pompidou and the National Contemporary Art Collection, and been exhibited at the Nuits Blanches in Paris (2009, 2010), the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard in Paris (solo show 2010), the Atelier at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, the Minsheng Museum in Shanghai, Tate Modern in London, MoMA in New York and the Aichi Triennial in Japan. They have also been screened at FID, the international film festival in Marseille (Grand Prix 2006) and at the festivals in Locarno, Rotterdam, Vancouver and Lisbon.

Every year La Criée associates an artist with its projects. Working together this way means a sharper focus on art and generates a new kind of long-term partnership with the artists, a close link with the creative process.

Since her graduation from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris and a spell at Le Pavillon – the research unit at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris – Ariane Michel has been working on projects in which cinematic narrative techniques play a large part: videos, installations, films and performances. They include The Screening, an audience-involvement nocturnal projection in a woodland clearing; Les Hommes, her feature-length film released in France in 2008; and the cinemascope-format fish tank of Les Lutétiens, an encounter between living beings and a fossilised setting. All these works use immersion, projection and editing techniques to offer the viewer a singular space-time experience. Her works have been acquired by the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Centre Pompidou and the National Contemporary Art Collection, and been exhibited at the Nuits Blanches in Paris (2009, 2010), the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard in Paris (solo show 2010), the Atelier at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, the Minsheng Museum in Shanghai, Tate Modern in London, MoMA in New York and the Aichi Triennial in Japan. They have also been screened at FID, the international film festival in Marseille (Grand Prix 2006) and at the festivals in Locarno, Rotterdam, Vancouver and Lisbon.
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born in 1973, Paris, France lives and works in Esquibien and Paris, France DDAB Jousse Entreprise
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