Feral escapes

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date String 2021-09-13 13:03:02
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">A round table within the exhibition <em>Molusma</em>, presented by artist Elvia Teotski, introduced by curator Lotte Arndt, in conversation with anthropologist Sophie Houdart and art historian Cyrille Bret.</p> The speakers discuss the living in contemporary art, the agency of materials, and contaminated diversity in a damaged world, “infinitesimal worlds”, populated with “more-than-human-lives”: a<em> feral </em>ecology, an environment of disarray, evolving spontaneously while keeping the imprints of its past exploitation.

A round table within the exhibition Molusma, presented by artist Elvia Teotski, introduced by curator Lotte Arndt, in conversation with anthropologist Sophie Houdart and art historian Cyrille Bret.

The speakers discuss the living in contemporary art, the agency of materials, and contaminated diversity in a damaged world, “infinitesimal worlds”, populated with “more-than-human-lives”: a feral ecology, an environment of disarray, evolving spontaneously while keeping the imprints of its past exploitation.
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