Sibyl Sybil

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_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 24 June to 20 August 2017
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Dears Sophie and Marion,</p> I keep erasing what I’ve recorded and starting over, not even listening to it, just erasing it and starting over. I can’t find a way to describe the show or the works. Something sticks when I try to bring them into language in that way, from that direction. I’d rather tell you about something else, the title, for example. The Sibyl is a figure from Greek mythology. The Sibyil is an oracle. Her home has “a hundred openings, a hundred mouths.” She writes her predictions on oak tree leaves, dispersed to the winds. When I looked up the spelling of her name, I found that there were two, and that the other referred to a book and a film from the 70s that you may have seen. I wanted to hang the show on a name like you would a coat on a coathhook. I wanted the name to be that of a figure and the figure that came to mind was the Sibyl, of which there is not one but many. I could describe the works. I could tell you that there will be a video, images, objects, but also marks or traces on the walls or the floors or the doors even. And that I’ll also be showing collections, collections of things that I come across, that I end up with, and that end up in my studio and come to play a role in my thinking. But I’d rather talk a bit more about the Sibyl. I like the idea of a text that’s received. I like the idea of a text that’s communicated in dispersed fragments. There is a passivity to what we call the creative process. A receptivity that allows one to receive or encounter whatever it is that an idea is. A blind thing, fumbling for its form. <p class="notes">Julien Bismuth, May 2017</p>

Dears Sophie and Marion,

I keep erasing what I’ve recorded and starting over, not even listening to it, just erasing it and starting over. I can’t find a way to describe the show or the works. Something sticks when I try to bring them into language in that way, from that direction. I’d rather tell you about something else, the title, for example. The Sibyl is a figure from Greek mythology. The Sibyil is an oracle. Her home has “a hundred openings, a hundred mouths.” She writes her predictions on oak tree leaves, dispersed to the winds. When I looked up the spelling of her name, I found that there were two, and that the other referred to a book and a film from the 70s that you may have seen. I wanted to hang the show on a name like you would a coat on a coathhook. I wanted the name to be that of a figure and the figure that came to mind was the Sibyl, of which there is not one but many. I could describe the works. I could tell you that there will be a video, images, objects, but also marks or traces on the walls or the floors or the doors even. And that I’ll also be showing collections, collections of things that I come across, that I end up with, and that end up in my studio and come to play a role in my thinking. But I’d rather talk a bit more about the Sibyl. I like the idea of a text that’s received. I like the idea of a text that’s communicated in dispersed fragments. There is a passivity to what we call the creative process. A receptivity that allows one to receive or encounter whatever it is that an idea is. A blind thing, fumbling for its form.

Julien Bismuth, May 2017

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projet_artiste Array Single String Julien Bismuth
projet_galerie Array Single String a:17:{i:0;s:4:"6472";i:1;s:4:"9196";i:2;s:4:"9197";i:3;s:4:"9198";i:4;s:4:"9199";i:5;s:4:"9200";i:6;s:4:"9201";i:7;s:4:"9202";i:8;s:4:"9203";i:9;s:4:"9204";i:10;s:4:"9205";i:11;s:4:"9206";i:12;s:4:"9207";i:13;s:4:"9208";i:14;s:4:"9209";i:15;s:4:"9210";i:16;s:4:"9211";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">The curator is for this exhibition is Sophie Kaplan.</h3>

The curator is for this exhibition is Sophie Kaplan.

projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">Most of the works have been produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in Rennes.</h3>

Most of the works have been produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in Rennes.

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blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><em>Meeting</em></h3> <h3 class="titre-bloc">Julien Bimuth</h3> Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 3 pm


Julien Bimuth

Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 3 pm
blocs_satellites_7_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><a href="">Célia Houdart, <em>Le Scribe et un sphinx / The Scribe is a sphinx</em></a></h3> the futuristic short story by Célia Houdart about the cycle, <em>While I was also listening [...]</em>

Célia Houdart, Le Scribe et un sphinx / The Scribe is a sphinx

the futuristic short story by Célia Houdart about the cycle, While I was also listening [...]
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