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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Yann Sérandour's <em>Harpsichord pieces</em> exhibition on the subject of the harpsichord and its history, the artist naturally wished, within the framework of the Green Rays, to propose a program and invited harpsichordists for four recitals at La Criée.</p> After working on the harpsichord with Yannick the Gaillard, Pascal Dubreuil obtains at the CNSMD of Paris the First Prizes of harpsichord and basso continuo. He completed his training with many internships, particularly with Gustav Leonhardt. He is also studying conducting with Nicolas Brochot. Winner of the International Competition of Bruges in 1997, he performs and records, solo and chamber music. He is invited by festivals such as the Printemps des Arts, the Saintes Festival, the International Festival of Bratislava, the Bach Academy of Arques-la-Bataille or the Bruges Festival. His recent recordings of Johann Sebastian Bach's works for the Ramée label are unanimously hailed by international critics. He is invited to take part in juries, internships or master classes, in France and abroad. He teaches harpsichord and musical rhetoric at the CESMD in Poitiers (Bachelor-Master) as well as at the Regional Conservatory of Rennes.

Yann Sérandour's Harpsichord pieces exhibition on the subject of the harpsichord and its history, the artist naturally wished, within the framework of the Green Rays, to propose a program and invited harpsichordists for four recitals at La Criée.

After working on the harpsichord with Yannick the Gaillard, Pascal Dubreuil obtains at the CNSMD of Paris the First Prizes of harpsichord and basso continuo. He completed his training with many internships, particularly with Gustav Leonhardt. He is also studying conducting with Nicolas Brochot. Winner of the International Competition of Bruges in 1997, he performs and records, solo and chamber music. He is invited by festivals such as the Printemps des Arts, the Saintes Festival, the International Festival of Bratislava, the Bach Academy of Arques-la-Bataille or the Bruges Festival. His recent recordings of Johann Sebastian Bach's works for the Ramée label are unanimously hailed by international critics. He is invited to take part in juries, internships or master classes, in France and abroad. He teaches harpsichord and musical rhetoric at the CESMD in Poitiers (Bachelor-Master) as well as at the Regional Conservatory of Rennes.
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  • Pascal Dubreuil Thursday, September 21 at 8:30 pm
  • Siebe Henstra Thursday 5 October at 8.30 pm
  • Clémence Schweyer Thursday, October 19th at 8:30 pm
  • Pascal Dubreuil and Lujza Markova (for two harpsichords) Thursday, November 16 at 8:30 pm
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This program was conceived with the collaboration of Pascal Dubreuil, harpsichordist and professor at the Regional Conservatory of Rennes.
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