La Petite Fabrique

id Integer 28999
date String 2022-10-21 16:01:58
slug String 28999-2
title String La Petite Fabrique
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
_edit_last Array Single String 19
_edit_lock Array Single String 1669025600:19
blocs_satellites Array Single String a:2:{i:0;s:10:"bloc_libre";i:1;s:11:"bloc_projet";}
publication_isbn Array Single String
publication_prix Array Single String gratuit
publication_type Array Single String Workshop Cards
_blocs_satellites Array Single String field_58f780ca0cc4d
_publication_isbn Array Single String field_590060d8bbb3b
_publication_prix Array Single String field_590060e7c2587
_publication_type Array Single String field_59005ec5353f3
publication_annee Array Single String 2022
publication_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">La Petite Fabrique is an edition made by Line Simon. It is a collection of 8 workshop cards to create images at home, at school, alone or with friends.</p> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

La Petite Fabrique is an edition made by Line Simon. It is a collection of 8 workshop cards to create images at home, at school, alone or with friends.

publication_thumb Array Single String
_publication_annee Array Single String field_59005f8588f79
_publication_texte Array Single String field_590060ffd1ff0
_publication_thumb Array Single String field_5900651c99fd6
publication_auteur Array Single String
_publication_auteur Array Single String field_590060cbbbb3a
publication_artiste Array Single String Line Simon
publication_edition Array Single String La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes
publication_galerie Array Single String a:4:{i:0;s:5:"28990";i:1;s:5:"28991";i:2;s:5:"28989";i:3;s:5:"28992";}
_publication_artiste Array Single String field_59005ee560efc
_publication_edition Array Single String field_5900604b7f38f
_publication_galerie Array Single String field_590064df99fd5
publication_surtitre Array Single String
_publication_surtitre Array Single String field_591aaa0d93b9c
publication_diffuseur Array Single String
publication_graphisme Array Single String
publication_soustitre Array Single String
_publication_diffuseur Array Single String field_593175af1592e
_publication_graphisme Array Single String field_5931762d15930
_publication_soustitre Array Single String field_591aaa2693b9d
publication_disponible Array Single String 0
publication_production Array Single String
_publication_disponible Array Single String field_590066211e8a3
_publication_production Array Single String field_59006112cc6ff
publication_partenaires Array Single String
_publication_partenaires Array Single String field_59317c078ec32
_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 120
publication_caracteristiques Array Single String 8 cards, 210 color digital prints and paper envelope 8 cards, 40 color digital prints and vegetable ink screen printing, japanese envelope, characoal and elderberry ink
publication_comite_editorial Array Single String
_publication_caracteristiques Array Single String field_593175051592c
_publication_comite_editorial Array Single String field_5e7ccffc45ddf
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 432
blocs_satellites_1_objet_projet Array Single String 23854
_blocs_satellites_1_objet_projet Array Single String field_58f781db0cc51
publication_direction_editoriale Array Single String
_publication_direction_editoriale Array Single String field_593175d71592f
blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_img Array Single String 28924
_blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_img Array Single String field_58f7813b0cc4f
blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="p1"><b>Line Simon</b></h3> <h3 class="p2 notes chapeau">born in 1994 in France She lives and works in Rennes, France</h3> <p class="p3"><span class="s1"><a href="">artist's website</a></span></p>

Line Simon

born in 1994 in France She lives and works in Rennes, France

artist's website

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blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_redirection Array Single String
_blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_redirection Array Single String field_58fe4ad8392e8
_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes Array Single String 0
count Integer 55
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comment_ID String 251
comment_date String 2023-06-03 01:16:00
comment_type String comment
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comment_karma String 0
comment_author String gate io
comment_parent String 0
comment_content String I may need your help. I tried many ways but couldn't solve it, but after reading your article, I think you have a way to help me. I'm looking forward for your reply. Thanks.
comment_post_ID String 28999
comment_approved String 0
comment_date_gmt String 2023-06-02 23:16:00
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user_id String 0
comment_ID String 248
comment_date String 2023-06-01 08:24:15
comment_type String comment
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comment_karma String 0
comment_author String
comment_parent String 0
comment_content String I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don't know much about a certain place. Can you help me?
comment_post_ID String 28999
comment_approved String 0
comment_date_gmt String 2023-06-01 06:24:15
comment_author_IP String
comment_author_url String
comment_author_email String
count Integer 2
data Array
name String artists' editions
slug String looking-to-the-future-publications-editions
count Integer 26
filter String raw
parent Integer 174
term_id Integer 432
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 432
name String publications
slug String looking-to-the-future-publications
count Integer 59
filter String raw
parent Integer 86
term_id Integer 174
taxonomy String category
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description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 174
count Integer 2