
id Integer 3237
date String 2017-05-16 13:56:09
slug String klub-2
title String Klub
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_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String 25 November 2015 at 5 pm
projet_lieu Array Single String Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">As part of KLUB, its guesting programme for European exhibition curators, art critics and artists, the Kunsthalle in Bratislava is inviting Sophie Kaplan to talk about her curatorial practice.</p> Taking as her starting point the series of thematic seasons – <em>Pounding the Pavement, Beating the Bushes, Breaking the Waves</em> – which she launched at La Criée in September 2013, she will talk about the idea of programming as a narrative powered by exhibitions and related events. She will also consider the concept of associating artists with seasons as a means of setting up intimate connections with the creative process.

As part of KLUB, its guesting programme for European exhibition curators, art critics and artists, the Kunsthalle in Bratislava is inviting Sophie Kaplan to talk about her curatorial practice.

Taking as her starting point the series of thematic seasons – Pounding the Pavement, Beating the Bushes, Breaking the Waves – which she launched at La Criée in September 2013, she will talk about the idea of programming as a narrative powered by exhibitions and related events. She will also consider the concept of associating artists with seasons as a means of setting up intimate connections with the creative process.
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blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">Sophie Kaplan</h3> historian and exhibition curator director of La Criée centre for contemporary art since 2012

Sophie Kaplan

historian and exhibition curator director of La Criée centre for contemporary art since 2012
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