Sabine Prokhoris

id Integer 1734
date String 2017-05-05 10:20:32
slug String sabine-prokhoris-2
title String Sabine Prokhoris
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
_edit_last Array Single String 5
_edit_lock Array Single String 1529067838:5
artiste_nom Array Single String Prokhoris
_artiste_nom Array Single String field_58e4e48e089a5
artiste_image Array Single String
artiste_liens Array Single String
_artiste_image Array Single String field_58fb346839e05
_artiste_liens Array Single String field_5919c99b0334c
artiste_prenom Array Single String Sabine
_artiste_prenom Array Single String field_58e4e463089a4
artiste_minibio Array Single String born in 1957 in Athens, Greece lives and works in Paris, France
artiste_oeuvres Array Single String 1
_artiste_minibio Array Single String field_58e4e4e07239a
_artiste_oeuvres Array Single String field_58f74caed64c7
artiste_nom_suite Array Single String
_artiste_nom_suite Array Single String field_5924208378024
coupure_paragraphe Array Single String 0
_coupure_paragraphe Array Single String field_59f8365397245
_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 116
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 152
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_annee Array Single String 2002
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_texte Array Single String With all that, dream. This means cook. This means smell, seek, mix, combine, disguise, condense, move. Transform. Lose, then find back elsewhere. You will taste the trouble of the unknown recognised. That makes you. That looks like you. That alters you. You will have created : which means reinvented. "Work from dreams doesn’t think or calculate. (...) it only transforms." Sigmund Freud.
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_titre Array Single String La poule enchantée
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_annee Array Single String field_58f74cfad64c9
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_texte Array Single String field_58f74deed64cc
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_titre Array Single String field_58f74ccbd64c8
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_galerie Array Single String
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_galerie Array Single String field_58f74d4ed64cb
artiste_oeuvres_0_blocs_satellites Array Single String a:1:{i:0;s:11:"bloc_projet";}
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_soustitre Array Single String
_artiste_oeuvres_0_blocs_satellites Array Single String field_59b2d152f66a4_field_58f780ca0cc4d
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_soustitre Array Single String field_58f74ee127cbd
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_descriptif Array Single String Ingredients: Matthieu Doze, Simon Hecquet, Sabine Prokhoris Some products from nature (?): rice, bergamot, prawns, salt, strawberries, chickens, rhubarb, mussels, etc. Some products from art (?): cinema, books, music, etc. Some intermediary creatures (?): authentically baroque animals, alambic, ginger Some contemporary issues You
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_mentions_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">production</h3> La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes <h3 class="titre-bloc">partnership</h3> Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne


La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes


Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_mentions_2 Array Single String
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_descriptif Array Single String field_58f74d18d64ca
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_mentions_1 Array Single String field_58fe34e9c32d4
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvre_mentions_2 Array Single String field_58fe3534c32d5
artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvres_satellites Array Single String
_artiste_oeuvres_0_oeuvres_satellites Array Single String field_58f765fe351f0
artiste_oeuvres_0_blocs_satellites_0_objet_projet Array Single String 2345
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slug String art-at-the-centre
count Integer 330
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parent Integer 0
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taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 80
name String produced works
slug String art-at-the-centre-productions
count Integer 130
filter String raw
parent Integer 80
term_id Integer 152
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 152
count Integer 2