Skewed visit

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projet_date Array Single String Tuesday 4 February 2020
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Green flash
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Sophia Rodriguez is dancer, circus artist, actress and teacher. Her performances are wacky and quirky encounters with the audiance, in which the codes of decorum, show and femininity are bent.</p> Her guided tour of The Egg Layed Twice is a performance driver by the encounter with the works and the exhibition. Specially designed for them, it is accompanied by a burlesque questioning, on the use we make of our bodies and their interactions, actively shared with the public.

Sophia Rodriguez is dancer, circus artist, actress and teacher. Her performances are wacky and quirky encounters with the audiance, in which the codes of decorum, show and femininity are bent.

Her guided tour of The Egg Layed Twice is a performance driver by the encounter with the works and the exhibition. Specially designed for them, it is accompanied by a burlesque questioning, on the use we make of our bodies and their interactions, actively shared with the public.
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blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">Sophia Rodriguez</h3> Venezuelan dancer, circus artist, actress and teacher Sophia Rodriguez got her Bachelors degree in Physical Theater from the National Theater of Venezuela and practiced Capoeira in Cuba’s National Circus School. She collaborated with Emerson Dominguez, Ivo Dimchev, Micha Goldberg, David Zambrano, Sabine Jamet, etc. She recently performed at the Ljubliana Syndikate Festival and the Tictac Art Center in Brussels. Sophia Rodriguez creates a performance for the Batârd festival, Brussels, 2020.

Sophia Rodriguez

Venezuelan dancer, circus artist, actress and teacher Sophia Rodriguez got her Bachelors degree in Physical Theater from the National Theater of Venezuela and practiced Capoeira in Cuba’s National Circus School. She collaborated with Emerson Dominguez, Ivo Dimchev, Micha Goldberg, David Zambrano, Sabine Jamet, etc. She recently performed at the Ljubliana Syndikate Festival and the Tictac Art Center in Brussels. Sophia Rodriguez creates a performance for the Batârd festival, Brussels, 2020.
blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <ul> <li> <h3 class="titre-bloc">Éléonore Saintagnan</h3> <ul> <li>born on 31 December 1979 at midnight in Paris, France</li> <li>lives and works in Brussels, Belgium</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">artist website</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul>
  • Éléonore Saintagnan

    • born on 31 December 1979 at midnight in Paris, France
    • lives and works in Brussels, Belgium
    • artist website
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