Famagusta, Tripoli, Beyrouth, Rio : récits suspendus

id Integer 6526
date String 2017-06-09 09:24:55
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title String Famagusta, Tripoli, Beyrouth, Rio : récits suspendus
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projet_date Array Single String 23 January 2014 at 8:30 pm
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Suspended Spaces project started in Cyprus in 2007 and is continuing in Lebanon since 2011. The eponymous collective brings together around fifty international artists and researchers.</p> "We believe in the necessity of displacement as a method, and in looking at things from a different standpoint. Becoming off-centered both symbolically and geographically. An approach linked with a real situation, a physical confrontation, and a common experience, shared in the field. We do not target a place, a territory or a suspended space; we are invited there out of our encounters. In our turn, we entrust this experimentation and displacement to individuals: artists and researchers."

Suspended Spaces project started in Cyprus in 2007 and is continuing in Lebanon since 2011. The eponymous collective brings together around fifty international artists and researchers.

"We believe in the necessity of displacement as a method, and in looking at things from a different standpoint. Becoming off-centered both symbolically and geographically. An approach linked with a real situation, a physical confrontation, and a common experience, shared in the field. We do not target a place, a territory or a suspended space; we are invited there out of our encounters. In our turn, we entrust this experimentation and displacement to individuals: artists and researchers."
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projet_artiste Array Single String Jan Kopp, Daniel Lê, Françoise Parfait, Éric Valette from Suspended Spaces collective
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