While I was also listening to David, Eleanor, Mariana, Delia, Genk, Jean, Mark, Pierre, Shima, Simon, Zin and Virginie

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_edit_lock Array Single String 1537990762:5
date_debut Array Single String 20170113
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 13 January to 5 March 2017
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau"><em>While I was also listening to David, Eleanor, Mariana, Delia, Genk, Jean, Mark, Pierre, Shima, Simon, Zin and Virginie</em> is the first exhibition in a new cycle at La Criée centre for contemporary art, on the idea of narrative.</p> Fragmented narratives, invisible narratives, transformed narratives, archived, recorded or imagined narratives... with this initial exhibition, we would like to show a multiplicity and polyphony of narratives forms. Every narrative being a transmission, it seemed important to us to invite several legendary figures having a link to writing or speech, and whose works are being transmitted and told from one generation to the next. These are David and Eleanor Antin, Jean Dupuy, and Delia Derbyshire. Every narrative being a temporal sequence, we have also decided to propose a sequel to this exhibition, which would act as its apocryphal text. The second collective exhibition at the end of the cycle will thus consist of works by more or less the same artists, which will echo the works shown in this first exhibition. In choosing the works and the artists, we have taken into account both the idea of reiteration inherent to this project (like the two sides of the same LP) as well as the logic of reinterpretation that it presupposes. Thus, certain artists will show the same work in both exhibitions — or even in the interval of time that separates them —  while others will exhibit two complementary pieces. The notions of (re)discovery, translation, and interpretation are the unifying threads of this exhibition, which consists of narrative works (Castillo Deball, Dupuy, Starling), fabulated works (Yassef, Taylor), stolen works (Geffriaud), spoken works (D. Antin, Derbyshire), sampled works (Paulin), found works (Shimabuku), disseminated works (E. Antin), supported works (gerlach en koop) and dreamt works (Horvitz).

While I was also listening to David, Eleanor, Mariana, Delia, Genk, Jean, Mark, Pierre, Shima, Simon, Zin and Virginie is the first exhibition in a new cycle at La Criée centre for contemporary art, on the idea of narrative.

Fragmented narratives, invisible narratives, transformed narratives, archived, recorded or imagined narratives... with this initial exhibition, we would like to show a multiplicity and polyphony of narratives forms. Every narrative being a transmission, it seemed important to us to invite several legendary figures having a link to writing or speech, and whose works are being transmitted and told from one generation to the next. These are David and Eleanor Antin, Jean Dupuy, and Delia Derbyshire. Every narrative being a temporal sequence, we have also decided to propose a sequel to this exhibition, which would act as its apocryphal text. The second collective exhibition at the end of the cycle will thus consist of works by more or less the same artists, which will echo the works shown in this first exhibition. In choosing the works and the artists, we have taken into account both the idea of reiteration inherent to this project (like the two sides of the same LP) as well as the logic of reinterpretation that it presupposes. Thus, certain artists will show the same work in both exhibitions — or even in the interval of time that separates them —  while others will exhibit two complementary pieces. The notions of (re)discovery, translation, and interpretation are the unifying threads of this exhibition, which consists of narrative works (Castillo Deball, Dupuy, Starling), fabulated works (Yassef, Taylor), stolen works (Geffriaud), spoken works (D. Antin, Derbyshire), sampled works (Paulin), found works (Shimabuku), disseminated works (E. Antin), supported works (gerlach en koop) and dreamt works (Horvitz).
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projet_galerie Array Single String a:18:{i:0;s:4:"9405";i:1;s:3:"631";i:2;s:3:"632";i:3;s:3:"633";i:4;s:3:"634";i:5;s:3:"635";i:6;s:3:"636";i:7;s:3:"637";i:8;s:3:"638";i:9;s:3:"639";i:10;s:3:"640";i:11;s:3:"641";i:12;s:3:"642";i:13;s:3:"643";i:14;s:3:"644";i:15;s:3:"645";i:16;s:3:"646";i:17;s:3:"630";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">The curators are Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, Sophie Kaplan and Yann Sérandour.</h3>

The curators are Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, Sophie Kaplan and Yann Sérandour.

projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">The exhibition is produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in Rennes.</h3>

The exhibition is produced by La Criée centre for contemporary art in Rennes.

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_projet_soundcloud Array Single String field_5900c5a53cd2b
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_coupure_paragraphe Array Single String field_59f8365397245
projet_date_precisions Array Single String The opening is on Thursday the 12 of January at 6:30 pm
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blocs_satellites_1_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <em>Meeting</em> <h3 class="titre-bloc">Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, Sophie Kaplan and Yann Sérandour</h3> Saturday 14 January at 3pm &nbsp;

Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth, Sophie Kaplan and Yann Sérandour

Saturday 14 January at 3pm  
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blocs_satellites_13_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><a href="https://issuu.com/la_criee/docs/lacriee_thescribeisasphinx_whileiwa">Célia Houdart, <em>Le Scribe et un sphinx / The Scribe is a sphinx</em></a></h3> the futuristic short story by Célia Houdart about the cycle, <em>While I was also listening [...]</em>

Célia Houdart, Le Scribe et un sphinx / The Scribe is a sphinx

the futuristic short story by Célia Houdart about the cycle, While I was also listening [...]
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