Lichens Never Lie

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_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 10 June to 14 August 2016
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau"><em>Lichens Never Lie</em> is Joana Escoval’s first solo exhibition outside the Iberian Peninsula. Here the young Lisbon artist gives spare, fragile expression to the endless ephemerality of the living world and its host of mysterious meanings.</p> The product of minimal intervention on her part, Escoval’s works are most often assemblages of materials that are rudimentary – pieces of wood, copper rods, terracotta, etc. – and/or collected from the natural world: leaves, water, stones and sometimes whole trees. Escoval is especially attentive to her venues and the visible and invisible currents running through them, which she sees as integral to what is being shown. Her La Criée exhibition is a response to both the setting and the airy summer light that pervades it. Mostly comprising works being shown for the first time, <em>Lichens Never Lie</em> revolves around the notions of passage, transition and transmission: from one state to another, one belief or knowledge system to another, one culture to another, and so on. Thus certain pieces – <em>Keep Going</em> and <em>Our myth is not self evident because it is a mystery</em> for example – indicate pathways that are possible but always open-ended, while others, like <em>Rational or Irrational or Rational or</em>, mark a tenuous, sometimes all but invisible threshold. Still others investigate the boundaries between Nature and Culture, or between different cultures, the better to evoke their intertwining – or their effacement. In the case of <em>Neither Bounded nor Static</em> and <em>Untitled (for André)</em> it would be pointless to try to work out whether the non-human is being anthropomorphised or, on the contrary, the human is being "naturalised". The exhibition title, discovered by the artist on a sign in a pharmacognosy and mycology lab at the University of Rennes 1, refers to an organism that is both algae and fungus, and acknowledges its capacity to act. This speaks eloquently of the porousness of things and beings, and of their representation as a core part of the artist’s work and concerns. The things Joana Escoval makes are at once evocative enough to offer our ideas ready purchase and development and nebulous enough to let them roam free: open works for savage minds, one might say.

Lichens Never Lie is Joana Escoval’s first solo exhibition outside the Iberian Peninsula. Here the young Lisbon artist gives spare, fragile expression to the endless ephemerality of the living world and its host of mysterious meanings.

The product of minimal intervention on her part, Escoval’s works are most often assemblages of materials that are rudimentary – pieces of wood, copper rods, terracotta, etc. – and/or collected from the natural world: leaves, water, stones and sometimes whole trees. Escoval is especially attentive to her venues and the visible and invisible currents running through them, which she sees as integral to what is being shown. Her La Criée exhibition is a response to both the setting and the airy summer light that pervades it. Mostly comprising works being shown for the first time, Lichens Never Lie revolves around the notions of passage, transition and transmission: from one state to another, one belief or knowledge system to another, one culture to another, and so on. Thus certain pieces – Keep Going and Our myth is not self evident because it is a mystery for example – indicate pathways that are possible but always open-ended, while others, like Rational or Irrational or Rational or, mark a tenuous, sometimes all but invisible threshold. Still others investigate the boundaries between Nature and Culture, or between different cultures, the better to evoke their intertwining – or their effacement. In the case of Neither Bounded nor Static and Untitled (for André) it would be pointless to try to work out whether the non-human is being anthropomorphised or, on the contrary, the human is being "naturalised". The exhibition title, discovered by the artist on a sign in a pharmacognosy and mycology lab at the University of Rennes 1, refers to an organism that is both algae and fungus, and acknowledges its capacity to act. This speaks eloquently of the porousness of things and beings, and of their representation as a core part of the artist’s work and concerns. The things Joana Escoval makes are at once evocative enough to offer our ideas ready purchase and development and nebulous enough to let them roam free: open works for savage minds, one might say.
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projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">curator</h3> <ul> <li>Sophie Kaplan</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">production</h3> <ul> <li>La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">partners</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Calouste Gulbenkian Fondation</a></li> <li><a href="">Camões Mission – Institute for Cooperation and Language, Portugal</a></li> </ul>


  • Sophie Kaplan


  • La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes


projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">descriptive and tactile visit (in french)</h3> Thursday 23 June 2016, 5:30 pm <h3 class="titre-bloc">crosspiece visit by Micro-sillons</h3> Sunday 26 June 2016, from 2 pm to 7 pm

descriptive and tactile visit (in french)

Thursday 23 June 2016, 5:30 pm

crosspiece visit by Micro-sillons

Sunday 26 June 2016, from 2 pm to 7 pm
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