L’ombre, le reflet, l’écho

id Integer 2863
date String 2017-05-16 08:57:18
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projet_date Array Single String from 23 October to 22 November 2009
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">The City of Rennes collection of contemporary artworks doesn’t have the aim to be exhibited in a permanent place. It is firstly the expression of a policy to support artists and art professionals working or making projects in Rennes. It is thus a heritage which reflects an artistic reality.</p> The exhibition <i>L’ombre, le reflet, l’écho</i> at La Criée introduces a selection of recently purchased artworks which joined now a collection of more than 300 pieces. The show is also an opportune accsion to talk about art and the city, the notion of private or public collection, the place of the artist in the city. The guiding topic proposed to the public is about landscape in order to discover the artworks and artists

The City of Rennes collection of contemporary artworks doesn’t have the aim to be exhibited in a permanent place. It is firstly the expression of a policy to support artists and art professionals working or making projects in Rennes. It is thus a heritage which reflects an artistic reality.

The exhibition L’ombre, le reflet, l’écho at La Criée introduces a selection of recently purchased artworks which joined now a collection of more than 300 pieces. The show is also an opportune accsion to talk about art and the city, the notion of private or public collection, the place of the artist in the city. The guiding topic proposed to the public is about landscape in order to discover the artworks and artists
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