Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

id Integer 22619
date String 2019-04-04 14:43:48
slug String nobody-not-even-the-rain-has-such-small-hands
title String Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
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post_date String 2019-02-27 16:08:50
post_name String pr_nobody-noteventherain-hassuchsmallhands_lacriee
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ping_status String closed
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_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 6 April to 26 May 2019
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">The anxiety, the excesses, the slumps and the frenetic, breakneck era, we and the Earth are going through: this new group exhibition at La Criée centre for contemporary art offers a response in the form of a pause – an adjournment. With all the innocent promise of the first rays of dawn.</p> The title – <em>Nobody, not even the rain has such small hands</em> – is the closing line of a famous love poem written in 1931 by the American poet and painter e.e. cummings. Bringing together works imbued with attentiveness to the invisible and the fleeting, <em>Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands</em> counters the sound and fury of our everyday lives with the fragile beauty of growth and slow pulsation. Like the poet whose personification of rain blurs the boundary between humanity and nature, the works in this exhibition are situated at the junction between natural and manmade objects – between sensation and emotion. Like the poet who endows the rain with hands and vice versa, the works assembled here take issue with a distance – temporal, spatial, contemporary – which this challenge diminishes, or at least curbs. Like the poet who loves, this exhibition sets out to reflect tenderness, not to say an experience of dazzlement. And tomorrow we shall return to the fire.

The anxiety, the excesses, the slumps and the frenetic, breakneck era, we and the Earth are going through: this new group exhibition at La Criée centre for contemporary art offers a response in the form of a pause – an adjournment. With all the innocent promise of the first rays of dawn.

The title – Nobody, not even the rain has such small hands – is the closing line of a famous love poem written in 1931 by the American poet and painter e.e. cummings. Bringing together works imbued with attentiveness to the invisible and the fleeting, Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands counters the sound and fury of our everyday lives with the fragile beauty of growth and slow pulsation. Like the poet whose personification of rain blurs the boundary between humanity and nature, the works in this exhibition are situated at the junction between natural and manmade objects – between sensation and emotion. Like the poet who endows the rain with hands and vice versa, the works assembled here take issue with a distance – temporal, spatial, contemporary – which this challenge diminishes, or at least curbs. Like the poet who loves, this exhibition sets out to reflect tenderness, not to say an experience of dazzlement. And tomorrow we shall return to the fire.
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projet_artiste Array Single String Dove Allouche, Basma Alsharif, Burkard Blümlein, Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Maggie Madden, Anthony McCall, Evariste Richer, Yoan Sorin and Florian Sumi, Stéphanie Saadé, Ana Vaz
projet_galerie Array Single String a:26:{i:0;s:5:"22612";i:1;s:5:"22907";i:2;s:5:"22905";i:3;s:5:"22906";i:4;s:5:"22918";i:5;s:5:"22893";i:6;s:5:"22917";i:7;s:5:"22898";i:8;s:5:"22892";i:9;s:5:"22891";i:10;s:5:"22899";i:11;s:5:"22776";i:12;s:5:"22919";i:13;s:5:"22904";i:14;s:5:"22903";i:15;s:5:"22902";i:16;s:5:"22900";i:17;s:5:"22901";i:18;s:5:"22897";i:19;s:5:"22894";i:20;s:5:"22896";i:21;s:5:"22895";i:22;s:5:"22778";i:23;s:5:"22890";i:24;s:5:"22781";i:25;s:5:"22780";}
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Sophie Kaplan


La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes
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projet_soustitre Array Single String (Personne, pas mme la pluie, n’a de si petites mains)
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