Ex-tensions, créations africaines et post-colonialisme

id Integer 8329
date String 2017-05-16 14:17:06
slug String ex-tensions-creations-africaines-post-colonialisme
title String Ex-tensions, créations africaines et post-colonialisme
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date_fin Array Single String 20090116
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
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_edit_lock Array Single String 1529441976:5
date_debut Array Single String 20090116
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String 16 January 2009
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Colloque
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">The conference <em>Ex-Tensions: African Art and Forms of post-Colonialism</em> will be taking a fresh look at preconceptions about current creative activity in Africa and the complex images of it propagated in the West.</p> There will be four avenues of exploration. <ul> <li>Art and theory «migrations» between Africa and the West, seen from the anthropological, historical and sociological points of view.</li> <li>The engendering of new ways of thinking by the African diaspora in Europe and the United States, and in particular the post-colonial-inflected disciplines that have emerged from Cultural Studies</li> <li>The visual arts, cinema and literature, which will testify to the richness of contemporary creativity in Africa.</li> <li>Exhibition curators, directors of Contemporary Art biennials and movie producers will speak about the diversity of projects under way for production and dissemination of creative work from Africa</li> </ul>

The conference Ex-Tensions: African Art and Forms of post-Colonialism will be taking a fresh look at preconceptions about current creative activity in Africa and the complex images of it propagated in the West.

There will be four avenues of exploration.
  • Art and theory «migrations» between Africa and the West, seen from the anthropological, historical and sociological points of view.
  • The engendering of new ways of thinking by the African diaspora in Europe and the United States, and in particular the post-colonial-inflected disciplines that have emerged from Cultural Studies
  • The visual arts, cinema and literature, which will testify to the richness of contemporary creativity in Africa.
  • Exhibition curators, directors of Contemporary Art biennials and movie producers will speak about the diversity of projects under way for production and dissemination of creative work from Africa
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  • Les Champs Libres, Rennes
  • association Africartec, Rennes
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