Dector & Dupuy

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date String 2017-06-06 15:37:51
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Dector & Dupuy
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publication_texte Array Single String The monograph devoted to the work of Dector &amp; Dupuy reveals all the density of an ongoing artistic inquiry into the city and the spaces it leaves open to improvisation and lines of flight. "Dector &amp; Dupuy have been working together for over twenty years, tracking down the traces and marks left by conflicts, assertions and scribbled messages they’ve spotted on walls, the roadway and in the city’s every nook and cranny... The two artists mainly use their findings to create exhibitions, guided tours and various kinds of printed works." <p class="notes">Jean-Marc Huitorel, "L’honneur des artistes, une introduction à l’œuvre de Dector &amp; Dupuy", Dector &amp; Dupuy, Captures Editions, 2015, p. 117</p>
The monograph devoted to the work of Dector & Dupuy reveals all the density of an ongoing artistic inquiry into the city and the spaces it leaves open to improvisation and lines of flight. "Dector & Dupuy have been working together for over twenty years, tracking down the traces and marks left by conflicts, assertions and scribbled messages they’ve spotted on walls, the roadway and in the city’s every nook and cranny... The two artists mainly use their findings to create exhibitions, guided tours and various kinds of printed works."

Jean-Marc Huitorel, "L’honneur des artistes, une introduction à l’œuvre de Dector & Dupuy", Dector & Dupuy, Captures Editions, 2015, p. 117

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Dector & Dupuy, Keren Detton, Jean-Marc Huitorel interview: Christophe Domino
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Dector & Dupuy
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49 NORD 6 EST – Frac Lorraine, Metz Centre d’art contemporain de la Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel École supérieure d’arts & médias de Caen/Cherbourg Entre-deux, Nantes Frac Franche-Comté, Besançon Frac Poitou-Charentes, Angoulême Galerie Hervé Bize, Nancy La biennale de Belleville, Paris La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, centre d’art contemporain, Mulhouse Le Carré, Scène nationale, centre d’art contemporain du Pays de Château-Gontier Le Quartier, centre d’art contemporain, Quimper Micro Onde, centre d’art contemporain de l’Onde, Vélizy-Villacoublay
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