While I was listening to the Kandinsky library

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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">While I was also listening to the Kandinski library, responds to the invitation for the 40th anniversary of the Center Pompidou and invites different personalities – an acrobat, a musicologist, two art researchers and five artists – to take for study, adventure and curiosities the fund of the Kandinsky Library, the documentation and research Center of the National Museum of Modern Art.</p> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">For a year Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth and Yann Sérandour – associated artists to the cycle led by La Criée centre for ontemporary art around the storytelling –</span></span>, <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">Sophie Kaplan, curator and director of La Criée, and their guests Jean-Baptiste André, François Bonnet, Virginie Yassef, Sophie Lapalu and Nico Dockx surveyed the shelves of the National Museum of Modern Art Library,</span> <span class="">met and exchanged with the library team.</span></span> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">Some had known this place for a long time and had already worked there, others discovered it.</span> <span class="">Some came regularly, others more punctually.</span> <span class="">Some have done research on specific archives, others have moved in more incongruous directions.</span></span> <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">The restitution of their research will draw a portrait of the Kandinsky Library by its margins, its odds, its secret rustling ... For the occasion the tables and showcases of the reading room of the library will form several islets, where we will discover the productions</span> <span class="">artists born of their surveys.</span></span>

While I was also listening to the Kandinski library, responds to the invitation for the 40th anniversary of the Center Pompidou and invites different personalities – an acrobat, a musicologist, two art researchers and five artists – to take for study, adventure and curiosities the fund of the Kandinsky Library, the documentation and research Center of the National Museum of Modern Art.

For a year Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth and Yann Sérandour – associated artists to the cycle led by La Criée centre for ontemporary art around the storytelling –, Sophie Kaplan, curator and director of La Criée, and their guests Jean-Baptiste André, François Bonnet, Virginie Yassef, Sophie Lapalu and Nico Dockx surveyed the shelves of the National Museum of Modern Art Library, met and exchanged with the library team. Some had known this place for a long time and had already worked there, others discovered it. Some came regularly, others more punctually. Some have done research on specific archives, others have moved in more incongruous directions. The restitution of their research will draw a portrait of the Kandinsky Library by its margins, its odds, its secret rustling ... For the occasion the tables and showcases of the reading room of the library will form several islets, where we will discover the productions artists born of their surveys.
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Jean-Baptiste André, Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth & Virginie Yassef, François Bonnet, Sophie Kaplan & Sophie Lapalu, Yann Sérandour
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