The Veldt

id Integer 21923
date String 2018-09-01 20:25:56
slug String the-veldt
title String The Veldt
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
date_fin Array Single String 20181122
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
actu_date Array Single String from 15 to 22 November 2018 at Nanterre-Amandiers centre dramatique national
actu_type Array Single String Theater show
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_actu_type Array Single String field_58e4fb714a23a
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_edit_lock Array Single String 1538750687:5
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date_debut Array Single String 20180925
_actu_thumb Array Single String field_5b2d3628e5b07
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
actu_couleur Array Single String normal
_actu_couleur Array Single String field_5b2d39d5e5eb3
actu_soustitre Array Single String Virginie Yassef
_actu_soustitre Array Single String field_58e4fba312234
visible_accueil Array Single String 1
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actu_redirection Array Single String 4221
blocs_satellites Array Single String
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_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 121
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 84
count Integer 23
data Array
count Integer 0
data Array Single Hash
name String territories in the making
slug String territories-in-the-making
count Integer 83
filter String raw
parent Integer 0
term_id Integer 84
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
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term_taxonomy_id Integer 84
count Integer 1