Sculpting (studio strategies)

id Integer 11198
date String 2018-04-23 06:52:22
slug String sculpting-studio-strategies
title String Sculpting (studio strategies)
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projet_date Array Single String from 14 March tu 27 May 2018
projet_lieu Array Single String Rennes Museum of fine arts, Frac Brittany and La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">Wilfrid Almendra, Pierre Ardouvin, Béatrice Balcou, Élisabeth Ballet, Davide Balula, Richard Baquié, Virginie Barré, Julien Berthier, Dominique Blais, Olivier Blanckart, Katinka Bock, Étienne Bossut, Lilian Bourgeat, Jean-Yves Brélivet, Patrice Carré, Stéphanie Cherpin, Clédat &amp; Petitpierre, John Cornu, Dewar and Gicquel, Julien Dubuisson, Laurent Duthion, Christelle Familiari, Richard Fauguet, Aurélie Ferruel and Florentine Guédon, François Feutrie, Adelaïde Feriot, Dominique Ghesquière, Célia Gondol, Séverine Hubard, Véronique Joumard, Pascal Jounier Trémelo, Pierre Labat, Guillaume Leblon, Laurent Le Deunff, Didier Marcel, Vincent Mauger, Théo Mercier, Anita Molinero, Richard Monnier, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Samir Mougas, Patrick Neu, Gyan Panchal, Bruno Peinado, Francis Raynaud, Hugues Reip, Sylvie Réno, Pascal Rivet, Elsa Sahal, Ernesto Sartori, Élodie Seguin, Rika Tanaka, Eva Taulois, Stéphane Thidet, Laurent Tixador, Francisco Tropa, Morgane Tschiember, Sergio Verastegui, Marion Verboom, Jacques Vieille, Raphaël Zarka</p> <p class="chapeau">The Museum of fine arts, the Frac Brittany and La Criée are joining forces for a group exhibition devoted to sculpture in France since the 1980s.</p> Via the work of some 60 French or France-based artists, the exhibition uses studio work approaches to outline the filiations, revivals and forms of evolution at work from one generation or context to another. <em>Sculpting [studio strategies] </em>addresses the sculptor's studio as the locus not only of actual making, but also of ideas, exploration and experimentation. Artists avail themselves of whatever comes to hand, from modelling clay to granite, plastic to plants, the natural to the manufactured, the act to its outcome, the body itself, and more. Ways of working that put the emphasis on raw materials to be assembled, reshaped, combined or recycled. The studio is for making: some of the guest artists are the sole creators of their works, in some cases drawing on personal mastery of traditional or artisanal techniques: for them creativity involves true savoir-faire. Others resort to the company of experts, sometimes from outside the domain of art, for the production process. <em>Sculpting (studio strategies) </em>is intended as an exhibition free of all dividing lines between generations, materials, media and, most emphatically, "styles". This means no discontinuity between the three venues and no system of differentiation within the exhibition rooms. The accent is on osmosis between works, rather than thematic or generational associations. It is our hope that this innovative use of proximity will give rise to the same happy accidents – and the miracles – that come about in the studio.

Wilfrid Almendra, Pierre Ardouvin, Béatrice Balcou, Élisabeth Ballet, Davide Balula, Richard Baquié, Virginie Barré, Julien Berthier, Dominique Blais, Olivier Blanckart, Katinka Bock, Étienne Bossut, Lilian Bourgeat, Jean-Yves Brélivet, Patrice Carré, Stéphanie Cherpin, Clédat & Petitpierre, John Cornu, Dewar and Gicquel, Julien Dubuisson, Laurent Duthion, Christelle Familiari, Richard Fauguet, Aurélie Ferruel and Florentine Guédon, François Feutrie, Adelaïde Feriot, Dominique Ghesquière, Célia Gondol, Séverine Hubard, Véronique Joumard, Pascal Jounier Trémelo, Pierre Labat, Guillaume Leblon, Laurent Le Deunff, Didier Marcel, Vincent Mauger, Théo Mercier, Anita Molinero, Richard Monnier, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Samir Mougas, Patrick Neu, Gyan Panchal, Bruno Peinado, Francis Raynaud, Hugues Reip, Sylvie Réno, Pascal Rivet, Elsa Sahal, Ernesto Sartori, Élodie Seguin, Rika Tanaka, Eva Taulois, Stéphane Thidet, Laurent Tixador, Francisco Tropa, Morgane Tschiember, Sergio Verastegui, Marion Verboom, Jacques Vieille, Raphaël Zarka

The Museum of fine arts, the Frac Brittany and La Criée are joining forces for a group exhibition devoted to sculpture in France since the 1980s.

Via the work of some 60 French or France-based artists, the exhibition uses studio work approaches to outline the filiations, revivals and forms of evolution at work from one generation or context to another. Sculpting [studio strategies] addresses the sculptor's studio as the locus not only of actual making, but also of ideas, exploration and experimentation. Artists avail themselves of whatever comes to hand, from modelling clay to granite, plastic to plants, the natural to the manufactured, the act to its outcome, the body itself, and more. Ways of working that put the emphasis on raw materials to be assembled, reshaped, combined or recycled. The studio is for making: some of the guest artists are the sole creators of their works, in some cases drawing on personal mastery of traditional or artisanal techniques: for them creativity involves true savoir-faire. Others resort to the company of experts, sometimes from outside the domain of art, for the production process. Sculpting (studio strategies) is intended as an exhibition free of all dividing lines between generations, materials, media and, most emphatically, "styles". This means no discontinuity between the three venues and no system of differentiation within the exhibition rooms. The accent is on osmosis between works, rather than thematic or generational associations. It is our hope that this innovative use of proximity will give rise to the same happy accidents – and the miracles – that come about in the studio.
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Pierre Ardouvin, Clédat & Petitpierre, Célia Gondol, Gyan Panchal, Francis Raynaud, Hugues Reip, Laurent Tixador, etc.
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projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">curators</h3> <ul> <li>Anne Dary, director, Rennes Museum of fine arts</li> <li>Catherine Elkar, director, Frac Brittany</li> <li>Sophie Kaplan, director, La Criée Centre for Contemporary Art, Rennes</li> </ul>


  • Anne Dary, director, Rennes Museum of fine arts
  • Catherine Elkar, director, Frac Brittany
  • Sophie Kaplan, director, La Criée Centre for Contemporary Art, Rennes
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