The Green Book

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publication_texte Array Single String "<em>The Green Book</em> contains my collection of national anthems. Each anthem has been hand-written by a different person from his/her native tongue. It’s a very familiar book, a kind of manifest... Of course, the fact that the French anthem has been hissed in the French Stadium stands has relaunched the project. Like this incident, the book expresses a malaise, a social urgency" <blockquote> <p class="notes">Adel Abdessemed, extract of the interview with Guy Tortosa in <em>Le Journal des Arts</em>, n°63, 24 January 2004.</p> </blockquote>
"The Green Book contains my collection of national anthems. Each anthem has been hand-written by a different person from his/her native tongue. It’s a very familiar book, a kind of manifest... Of course, the fact that the French anthem has been hissed in the French Stadium stands has relaunched the project. Like this incident, the book expresses a malaise, a social urgency"

Adel Abdessemed, extract of the interview with Guy Tortosa in Le Journal des Arts, n°63, 24 January 2004.

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Centre national d’art et du paysage de Vassivière Frac Champagne-Ardenne, Reims Frac Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen
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52,1 x 25,5 cm 104 pages french color, black & white
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