Artistic practices and transmission: how has digital culture changed today’s usages?

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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">La Criée is a member of the Pôle Ressources ACB resource unit, which brings together the Brittany Region Cultural Affairs Office (Drac), the Brittany Education Authority Delegation (DAAC), Canopé, ESPE Brittany and representatives of the Contemporary Art in Brittany network.</p> The resource unit organises discussion and training sessions with liaison officers and teachers working in the relevant fields. The theme of this 3rd symposium is the effect of digitisation on the art practices of the public, cultural liaison personnel and teachers. Contributions by philosophers, academics, researchers and exhibition curators will focus on enhanced understanding of digitisation and its implications for artistic and cultural education and teaching approaches.

La Criée is a member of the Pôle Ressources ACB resource unit, which brings together the Brittany Region Cultural Affairs Office (Drac), the Brittany Education Authority Delegation (DAAC), Canopé, ESPE Brittany and representatives of the Contemporary Art in Brittany network.

The resource unit organises discussion and training sessions with liaison officers and teachers working in the relevant fields. The theme of this 3rd symposium is the effect of digitisation on the art practices of the public, cultural liaison personnel and teachers. Contributions by philosophers, academics, researchers and exhibition curators will focus on enhanced understanding of digitisation and its implications for artistic and cultural education and teaching approaches.
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  • Emmanuel Mahé: Mise en perspective critique de la révolution numérique
  • Jean-Paul Fourmentraux: Net art: création artistique et critique numérique
  • Florence Andreacola: L’expérience de visite à l’époque de la culture numérique
  • Nicolas Thély: Réel / Virtuel: Les robots dans les musées
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