Ugo Rondinone

id Integer 2444
date String 2017-05-15 15:39:34
slug String ugo-rondinone-4
title String Ugo Rondinone
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
date_fin Array Single String 20031227
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 11
_edit_lock Array Single String 1524061629:11
date_debut Array Single String 20031105
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 5 November to 27 December 2003
projet_lieu Array Single String La Criée centre d'art contemporain, le théatre national de Bretagne, la galerie Art & Essai et l'UBU, Rennes
La Criée centre d'art contemporain, le théatre national de Bretagne, la galerie Art & Essai et l'UBU, Rennes
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
_projet_lieu Array Single String field_58d23e0f8ad42
_projet_type Array Single String field_58f9bfecae521
projet_texte Array Single String
projet_thumb Array Single String
projet_video Array Single String
_projet_texte Array Single String field_58d23b981bb81
_projet_thumb Array Single String field_58d23c88ffc3b
_projet_video Array Single String field_592419509a6ee
projet_artiste Array Single String
projet_galerie Array Single String a:13:{i:0;s:4:"2431";i:1;s:4:"2432";i:2;s:4:"1772";i:3;s:4:"2433";i:4;s:4:"2434";i:5;s:4:"2435";i:6;s:4:"2436";i:7;s:4:"1774";i:8;s:4:"2437";i:9;s:4:"1770";i:10;s:4:"2438";i:11;s:4:"1773";i:12;s:4:"1771";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><strong>curators</strong></h3> <ul> <li>Larys Frogier</li> <li>Odile Lemée</li> <li>David Perreau</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc"><strong>production</strong></h3> <ul> <li>théâtre national de Bretagne, Rennes</li> <li>La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes</li> <li>galerie Art &amp; Essai, Université Rennes 2, Rennes</li> </ul> &nbsp;


  • Larys Frogier
  • Odile Lemée
  • David Perreau


  • théâtre national de Bretagne, Rennes
  • La Criée centre for contemporary art, Rennes
  • galerie Art & Essai, Université Rennes 2, Rennes
projet_infos_2 Array Single String
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_projet_surtitre Array Single String field_58d23b037e769
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blocs_satellites Array Single String a:2:{i:0;s:12:"bloc_artiste";i:1;s:20:"bloc_artiste_minibio";}
projet_soustitre Array Single String
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_projet_soustitre Array Single String field_58d23cb9f91a6
projet_soundcloud Array Single String
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coupure_paragraphe Array Single String 0
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_projet_date_precisions Array Single String field_58d23b7a4e1ba
_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 114
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 80
blocs_satellites_0_objet_artiste Array Single String 1776
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_blocs_satellites_1_objet_artiste Array Single String field_591abbf7ececf
count Integer 48
data Array
count Integer 0
data Array
name String art at the centre
slug String art-at-the-centre
count Integer 330
filter String raw
parent Integer 0
term_id Integer 80
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 80
name String exhibitions
slug String art-at-the-centre-exhibitions
count Integer 101
filter String raw
parent Integer 80
term_id Integer 144
taxonomy String category
term_group Integer 0
description String
term_taxonomy_id Integer 144
count Integer 2