Two Lines of Life

id Integer 1020
date String 2017-05-02 23:10:18
slug String two-lines-of-life-or-why-a-rabbit-likes-weeds-2
title String Two Lines of Life
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post_date String 2017-05-03 01:11:06
post_name String act_final_3_anglais
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post_title String A.C.T. DEMOC[K]RACY Project
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post_modified String 2017-06-01 14:36:47
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post_modified_gmt String 2017-06-01 12:36:47
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post_date String 2017-05-03 01:11:11
post_name String press_pack_two_lines_of_life_a4
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post_date String 2017-05-03 01:11:13
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post_title String programme - Seminar Eduction and freedom
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date_fin Array Single String 20130310
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 5
_edit_lock Array Single String 1529618440:5
date_debut Array Single String 20130118
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String from 18 January to 10 March 2013
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Exhibition
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
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projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau"><em>"Two Lines of Life (or why a rabbit likes weeds)</em> is an exhibition featuring 11 artists and art groups from Belgrade, Pančevo, Bečej, Čakovec, Zagreb, Tuzla, Ljubljana (cities of the former Yugoslavia, today cities located in Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia) and the joint work of two curators from Belgrade, which could be described as a process.</p> Proceeding from the notion of democracy to begin with, we asked ourselves to what extent politics actually influences our lives. After some research conducted among our friends, it turned out that there existed two parallel flows of life: one is personal, which we can influence to a greater degree, and the other is political, which we cannot quite influence directly. Dealing with this relationship between the personal and the political, we explored what democracy meant to people around us. We invited artists from Serbia, as well as several artists from the region of the former Yugoslavia, being of the opinion that it is precisely these great differences, both in terms of artistic expression and in terms of political views, which actually constitute the meaning of democracy to us." <p class="notes">Mia David et Zorana Djaković Minniti, curators of the exhibition.</p> <p class="chapeau"> The <em>A.C.T. Democ[k]racy</em> project</p> <em>Two Lines of Life</em> is part of the first phase of the <em>A.C.T. Democ[k]racy</em> project, an initiative that brings together seven institutional players, more than forty artists and over a score of researchers. Combining residencies, seminars and exhibitions, <em>A.C.T. Democ[k]racy</em> will move on from Rennes to Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Cluj in Romania, and finally Belgrade in Serbia, through to August 2014. Because the withdrawal into separatist identities that occur in many European countries are alarming symptoms of a crisis of democracy within Europe, the partners of <em>A.C.T. Democ[k]racy</em> choose to promote art as a critical space in the fundamental debate on the future of democracy. This is both to recognize the importance of creative freedom, while questioning the training procedures and registration of artists works in the social space. The <em>A.C.T. Democ(k)racy</em> project is passionately in favour of movement, interchange and openness as the first conditions for the free circulation of ideas and works.

"Two Lines of Life (or why a rabbit likes weeds) is an exhibition featuring 11 artists and art groups from Belgrade, Pančevo, Bečej, Čakovec, Zagreb, Tuzla, Ljubljana (cities of the former Yugoslavia, today cities located in Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia) and the joint work of two curators from Belgrade, which could be described as a process.

Proceeding from the notion of democracy to begin with, we asked ourselves to what extent politics actually influences our lives. After some research conducted among our friends, it turned out that there existed two parallel flows of life: one is personal, which we can influence to a greater degree, and the other is political, which we cannot quite influence directly. Dealing with this relationship between the personal and the political, we explored what democracy meant to people around us. We invited artists from Serbia, as well as several artists from the region of the former Yugoslavia, being of the opinion that it is precisely these great differences, both in terms of artistic expression and in terms of political views, which actually constitute the meaning of democracy to us."

Mia David et Zorana Djaković Minniti, curators of the exhibition.

 The A.C.T. Democ[k]racy project

Two Lines of Life is part of the first phase of the A.C.T. Democ[k]racy project, an initiative that brings together seven institutional players, more than forty artists and over a score of researchers. Combining residencies, seminars and exhibitions, A.C.T. Democ[k]racy will move on from Rennes to Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Cluj in Romania, and finally Belgrade in Serbia, through to August 2014. Because the withdrawal into separatist identities that occur in many European countries are alarming symptoms of a crisis of democracy within Europe, the partners of A.C.T. Democ[k]racy choose to promote art as a critical space in the fundamental debate on the future of democracy. This is both to recognize the importance of creative freedom, while questioning the training procedures and registration of artists works in the social space. The A.C.T. Democ(k)racy project is passionately in favour of movement, interchange and openness as the first conditions for the free circulation of ideas and works.
projet_thumb Array Single String 7489
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projet_artiste Array Single String Radoš Antonijević, Damir Avdić, Boogie, Uroš Đurić, Vlatka Horvat, IRWIN, Aleksandar Jestrović Jamesdin, Aleksandar Maćašev and Stephen Gee, Vladimir Nikolić, Zoran Todorović and Raša Todosijević
projet_galerie Array Single String a:14:{i:0;s:4:"1001";i:1;s:4:"1002";i:2;s:4:"1003";i:3;s:4:"1004";i:4;s:4:"1005";i:5;s:4:"1006";i:6;s:4:"1007";i:7;s:4:"1008";i:8;s:4:"1009";i:9;s:4:"1010";i:10;s:4:"1011";i:11;s:4:"1012";i:12;s:4:"1013";i:13;s:4:"1014";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">curators</h3> <ul> <li>Mia David and Zorana Djaković Minniti, cultural center of Belgrade, Serbia</li> </ul> <h3 class="titre-bloc">support</h3> <ul> <li>Culture Programme of the European Union</li> </ul>


  • Mia David and Zorana Djaković Minniti, cultural center of Belgrade, Serbia


  • Culture Programme of the European Union
projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">in parallel to the exhibition</h3> from 18 January to 8 February 2013 <em>A.C.T. in residence, Cluj in Rennes</em><em> </em> at the EESAB – Rennes Hermina Csala, Christian Opris, Razvan Anton, Norbert Filex feedback on works made ​​during the residence in November 2012 in Rennes by students and professors from the University of Arts and Design of Cluj, Romania.

in parallel to the exhibition

from 18 January to 8 February 2013 A.C.T. in residence, Cluj in Rennes  at the EESAB – Rennes Hermina Csala, Christian Opris, Razvan Anton, Norbert Filex feedback on works made ​​during the residence in November 2012 in Rennes by students and professors from the University of Arts and Design of Cluj, Romania.
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