États de la voix

id Integer 6794
date String 2017-06-12 14:16:18
slug String etats-de-voix-2
title String États de la voix
content String
excerpt String
content_filtered String
data Array
count Integer 0
data Hash
date_fin Array Single String 20170121
_date_fin Array Single String field_58ee854f8ddc7
_edit_last Array Single String 5
_edit_lock Array Single String 1529051999:5
date_debut Array Single String 20170121
_date_debut Array Single String field_58ee85288ddc6
projet_date Array Single String saturday 21 January 2017
projet_lieu Array Single String
projet_type Array Single String Green Flash
_projet_date Array Single String field_58d23b6fed58e
_projet_lieu Array Single String field_58d23e0f8ad42
_projet_type Array Single String field_58f9bfecae521
projet_texte Array Single String <p class="chapeau">"Music above all else," wrote Verlaine in The Art of Poetry in 1874.</p> Poetry has often used the metaphor of music to define the distinctiveness of its relationship with language and the latter’s attempt to transcend the meaning barrier through rhythm and the interplay of sound. The advent of sound poetry has brought a gradual shift to this classical allegory, with the materiality of the voice, the plasticity of words and the dizzying possibilities of recording giving rise to myriad experiments. Is language just one sound among others? Or does its radical status set it at the outer limit of rhythm, the cry, noise and spoken discourse?

"Music above all else," wrote Verlaine in The Art of Poetry in 1874.

Poetry has often used the metaphor of music to define the distinctiveness of its relationship with language and the latter’s attempt to transcend the meaning barrier through rhythm and the interplay of sound. The advent of sound poetry has brought a gradual shift to this classical allegory, with the materiality of the voice, the plasticity of words and the dizzying possibilities of recording giving rise to myriad experiments. Is language just one sound among others? Or does its radical status set it at the outer limit of rhythm, the cry, noise and spoken discourse?
projet_thumb Array Single String
projet_video Array Single String
_projet_texte Array Single String field_58d23b981bb81
_projet_thumb Array Single String field_58d23c88ffc3b
_projet_video Array Single String field_592419509a6ee
projet_artiste Array Single String Stephane Ginsburgh, Jérôme Game and Gilles Amalvi
projet_galerie Array Single String a:4:{i:0;s:4:"6789";i:1;s:4:"6790";i:2;s:4:"6791";i:3;s:4:"6792";}
projet_infos_1 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">partnership</h3> Autres mesures festival, Rennes


Autres mesures festival, Rennes
projet_infos_2 Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc">programme</h3> <ul> <li>François Sarhan, <em>Ô piano</em> (<em>O Piano</em>), performed by Stephane Ginsburgh, 15 min</li> <li>Gilles Amalvi, <em>Tes Chansons</em> (<em>Your Songs</em>), 45 min</li> <li>Frederic Rzewski, <em>Dear Diary</em> and <em>Stop the war</em>, performed by Stéphane Ginsburgh, 30 min</li> <li>Jérôme Game, À travers (<em>Through</em>), 40 min</li> <li>Frederic Rzewski, <em>De Profundis</em>, performed by Stephane Ginsburgh, 35 min</li> </ul>


  • François Sarhan, Ô piano (O Piano), performed by Stephane Ginsburgh, 15 min
  • Gilles Amalvi, Tes Chansons (Your Songs), 45 min
  • Frederic Rzewski, Dear Diary and Stop the war, performed by Stéphane Ginsburgh, 30 min
  • Jérôme Game, À travers (Through), 40 min
  • Frederic Rzewski, De Profundis, performed by Stephane Ginsburgh, 35 min
_projet_artiste Array Single String field_58d23b2344446
_projet_galerie Array Single String field_58d23bb36f3b6
_projet_infos_1 Array Single String field_58d23c09347ea
_projet_infos_2 Array Single String field_58d23c2b70912
projet_horaires Array Single String from 2 pm to 4 pm
projet_surtitre Array Single String concert and readings
visible_accueil Array Single String 0
_projet_horaires Array Single String field_58d2e44d45100
_projet_surtitre Array Single String field_58d23b037e769
_visible_accueil Array Single String field_5919f0d898dff
blocs_satellites Array Single String a:3:{i:0;s:10:"bloc_libre";i:1;s:11:"bloc_projet";i:2;s:11:"bloc_projet";}
projet_soustitre Array Single String (The Vocal Scene)
_blocs_satellites Array Single String field_58f780ca0cc4d
_projet_soustitre Array Single String field_58d23cb9f91a6
projet_soundcloud Array Single String
_projet_soundcloud Array Single String field_5900c5a53cd2b
coupure_paragraphe Array Single String 1
_coupure_paragraphe Array Single String field_59f8365397245
projet_date_precisions Array Single String as part of Autres mesures festival
_projet_date_precisions Array Single String field_58d23b7a4e1ba
_yoast_wpseo_primary_type Array Single String 114
_yoast_wpseo_primary_category Array Single String 80
blocs_satellites_1_objet_projet Array Single String 649
blocs_satellites_2_objet_projet Array Single String 7124
_blocs_satellites_1_objet_projet Array Single String field_58f781db0cc51
_blocs_satellites_2_objet_projet Array Single String field_58f781db0cc51
blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_img Array Single String 11630
_blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_img Array Single String field_58f7813b0cc4f
blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_texte Array Single String <h3 class="titre-bloc"><a href="http://autresmesures.wixsite.com/festival" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Autres mesures</a></h3>
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blocs_satellites_0_bloc_libre_redirection Array Single String
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