Julien Bismuth

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artiste_associe_texte Array Single String <div> <p class="chapeau">Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth and Yann Sérandour are the artists associated to the project <em>Alors que j’écoutais moi aussi […]</em> / <em>While I was also listening […]</em> from January 2017 to February 2018.</p> </div> Yann’s a long-time Rennes resident, Felicia moved here a year ago, and Julien lives in New York. All three of them travel a lot. Julien and Yann were born in the 1970s and Felicia a little later. Felicia, Julien and Yann enjoy being told stories and enjoy telling them. Felicia, Julien and Yann are inventors, activators and remixers of stories. Felicia, Julien and Yann like to invite other artists to work with them. Julien had three solo shows in 2016: one in his Paris gallery, one at Lira in Rome, and the third at the Guggenheim in New York. He also participated in group exhibitions at the 21er Haus in Vienna; the Villa Medicis in Rome; and at Le Plateau Frac Île-de-France in Paris. In 2017, he show <em>Streams</em> at Simone Subal gallery in New York.

Felicia Atkinson, Julien Bismuth and Yann Sérandour are the artists associated to the project Alors que j’écoutais moi aussi […] / While I was also listening […] from January 2017 to February 2018.

Yann’s a long-time Rennes resident, Felicia moved here a year ago, and Julien lives in New York. All three of them travel a lot. Julien and Yann were born in the 1970s and Felicia a little later. Felicia, Julien and Yann enjoy being told stories and enjoy telling them. Felicia, Julien and Yann are inventors, activators and remixers of stories. Felicia, Julien and Yann like to invite other artists to work with them. Julien had three solo shows in 2016: one in his Paris gallery, one at Lira in Rome, and the third at the Guggenheim in New York. He also participated in group exhibitions at the 21er Haus in Vienna; the Villa Medicis in Rome; and at Le Plateau Frac Île-de-France in Paris. In 2017, he show Streams at Simone Subal gallery in New York.
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